Chapter 6

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Stormie: So where is your first competition?

John: Puerto Rico!

Laura: (Looks at him) I thought it was in New York?

John: Well they started making different plans and it ended up landing in Puerto Rico!

Laura: I can't wait!!

Ross: So did the competition dates move?

John: Well we have to leave in two days so not majorly.

Mark: How long are you guys going to stay there?

John: Well the competition is only 1 day so probably 3 days there and then we will be back...

Stormie: That's exciting!!

Nick: That was supposed to be my competition to win (mumbles)

Ross: (over heard him) What was that, Nick?

Nick: (looks at him) Nothing (furrows his eyebrows)

Rocky: So are you sure there is nothing going on between you and Ross?

Laura: (nods) Yes!

Rocky: Okay but I think Ross has a crush on you so don't be surprised by his flirting(winked)

Ross: Flirting?! Really?! Rocky, I don't like her like that!

Rocky: (puts hands up in surrender) Okay Okay, Geez!!

Riker: Now that's over!

Rocky: (Rolls his eyes)

Stormie: Are you two staying for the night?

John: I can't I have meetings to attend to!

Laura: I don't really know guys!

Ross: please!

Rocky: (whispers) Flirting

Ross: (looks at him and glares) (looks back at laura) Can you?!

Rydel, Riker, Rocky and Ross: Please Please Please Please Please?!

Laura: Okay!!! Just please be quiet!!!!!

Rydel: (smiles) Okay

Laura: (pursed her lips) okay?

Stormie: Great so you guys will have a guest over tonight!!!



Sorry it's so short loves I'm working on 6 other stories!

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