3:The Dream

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!Smutish/smut you decide!
Y/N pov
Someone knocked at the door I wondered who it was because Daph was with Blaise and Theo was with a Ravenclaw I think her names Luna. So I wondered who it would be. I went and opened the door and there stood Draco Malfoy in a all black suit. What are you doing here Mal-" he cut me of with a kiss our lips moved in sync and his tongue grazed along my bottom lip asking for entrance that I accepted. He pushed me into the dorm as our tongues fought for dominance he won of course he closed the door with his foot. "Are you sure" he asked and I nodded. "I need words princess" he said. "Yes draco" he wasted no time in smashing his lips against mine again. His tongue entered my mouth as our tongues fought for dominance his hands were roaming my body. He won the battle of course he started moving til we got to the bed he pushed me onto the bed without breaking the kiss. He then broke the kiss looking into my eyes. Merlin I love his eyes. "You're absolutely sure love" Draco said softly. "Yes I'm sure" I replied. His hands started roaming my body slowly making there way down to my pussy. He pulled down my skirt and underwear. Then started rubbing my clit he put one finger in then added another and started puking the in and out. I was a moaning mess. "Draco" I moaned he kept getting faster and faster. "Fuck I'm gonna-" he cut me off. " Do it princess cum all over daddy fingers". I then shot up realising it was all a dream. Daphne came out the bathroom and smirked at me. "Why you smirking Daph" I asked confused. "Oh well did you have fun dreaming of ferret boy" she smirked. "Wait what do you mean" I asked. "Ohh Draco" she mimicked my moans. Then said "you were moaning his name in your sleep and I'm thinking someone has a crush on him" she teased. "Oh fuck off I don't know why alright now please don't tell him" I asked. "Alright anyways get ready party's in an hour" she said. So I got up and started getting ready.

Shortish chapter kinda smut but I tried lol xx

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