chapter 28

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Amren and Mor had given us all we needed to know about the Siphoners they found in the small trading market on the southern coast of the Continent.

They stayed in a small cottage just on the outskirts of the town, but if the entire Coven originated from the Continent, there has to be a larger location somewhere close.

The sun was just starting to set over the horizon, and worry filled me as we haven't heard anything from Nyx. But, I had to push forward and trust that they were okay.

We had glamoured ourselves to blend into the bustling crowd. We looked as human as the rest of them, much to Rhys's dismay. Cassian thought it was cool, he's never looked so ordinary before. I almost laughed, but the situation was too grave for humor.

I had to stay focused.

We walked from vendor to vendor until Rhys caught a glimpse of a gloved woman holding a gloved toddler. He gave Cassian and I a small nod, then we split up to discreetly follow the two.

I forced a smile on my face as I pretended to be enthralled by a merchant who was enthusiastically talking to a group of children, but I kept a watchful eye on the woman as she glided through the market. She was heading somewhere with a small urgency to her step.

Cassian was situated to the far left of me, looking over a selection of poorly made weapons—ash weapons. I held back my wince, then refocused on the woman. Rhys had silently followed her to the edge of the market, then paused to seem interested in a street musician.

I made my way from vendor to vendor until I had a clear view of the woman. She walked past the cottage that Mor had claimed they stayed in. I casted a look behind me to Cassian, who smiled politely to the vendor before following me. As we passed Rhys, he joined us to weave through the crowd.

The woman paused at the tree line, looking behind her to see if anyone was following. Rhys spun and grabbed a lock of my hair, twirling it in his finger with a wicked grin as Cassian smirked at the two of us. I smiled up at Rhys, then looked past him to see the woman walk past the tree line and disappear into thin air with the toddler.

"They're gone." I whispered.

Rhys stiffened, pausing his hand in my hair. "What?"

"They disappeared." I looked back at him to see his violet eyes narrow.

"There must be something in the forest." Cassian spoke at a whisper.

The three of us started towards the tree line, then paused where the woman did.

"There are wards protecting this forest. I can bring them down, but that might alert them of our presence." Rhys said with a sigh.

"We don't have much of a choice." Cassian shrugged as he pulled out a longsword.

I nodded in agreement, then took a deep breath to prepare for a fight. Rhys waved a hand, and the wards fell, revealing a large estate. I gasped at the sight. It was much larger than my father's back in the Mortal Lands. The house was three stories tall, and spread wide enough to house hundreds of witches.

We walked carefully towards the building, listening for any movement. When we got to the door, I looked to Rhys. "What should we do?"

Rhys looked at me, then to Cassian, then shrugged. "Knock?"

I scoffed, then watched as Rhys did exactly that. A shuffle of movement came from behind the door, then it opened to reveal an older woman.

She had long brown hair that was thrown up into a ponytail. Her blue eyes narrowed at the three of us. "Have you come from Illyria?"

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