Something the pair had done since they were children was make sure they were paired near each other. Jenna was shipped to Illinois, so Elliot was too. She was adopted by the DuBaer's, so Elliot was adopted by the fifty-five-year-old Mayor and his wife. Who coincidentally, are friends and neighbors with the DuBaers.

"I hope I never have to do this for anyone."
Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Monday, 6th of April, 2020

"There, there."

Lucius gently helped Jenna to bed, tightly tucking her in. His daughter had regained all of her coloring and her wit was slowly returning. Her small, shivering frame disappeared beneath the pile of blankets. He sighed and walked over to close her balcony doors.

"How's Narcissa?" Jenna asked, her strong voice sounding weak.

"She's awake, weak, but awake," Lucius answered grimly. "That plant ruined her."

She nodded, "I just want to know how he accomplished doing it to all of you." Jenna fiddled with the blankets. "I understand how it happened to me."

"Where were we?"

  Jenna heard him but didn't want to alarm Lucius. She slowly untucked her diary from beneath her pillow and used her last bit of magic to begin writing.

"Count on me; one, two, three."

"Well, your moth- Narcissa," Lucius corrected himself. "sleepwalks."

"Squeak, turn, squeak, turn."

"So, this person is close to you because they knew that they could catch her out of bed," Jenna suggested.

"Shards of a thousand fall on time,"

"You're correct." Her father sighed, "but Narcissa is incredibly private. Someone knowing of that detail would have to know her."

"Till, one will fall from the line,"

"Did she do it at Hogwarts?" asked Jenna, "Maybe it's someone from back then?"

"No, she charmed herself. She just thought she was safe enough to not do it here." Lucius's voice softly trailed off.

"Narcissa is away sleeping sweet."

"I had no idea the soil had been messed with. We found her around four a.m." Jenna changed the subject. "The first round of auror's left at midnight."

"While the moon is high and awake."

"And the next would show up at six in the morning. We have only had their protection long has it been?" His lips thinned. "One week. We have had their protection for a week and so far they have not done the best."

"Count on me; Un, Deux, Trois."

Sighing, "That doesn't matter if it was the gap. Kingsley set that six-hour mark because who would attack someone so early? It's inhumane." Jenna said. "I don't have the energy for that and I'm a child."

"The chandelier," Lucius said, suddenly. "He knew the chandelier fell that day. That's how he knew to loosen it."

"Shards of glass will make sixteen."

"He has the dark mark."

"Until you bring roses and green."

"Exactly." Her father stood. "We're looking for a member of Voldemort's inner circle."

"I saw you that day." Jenna searched his face for answers. "To eliminate all of those people could take months and we do not have months."

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