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idk how to write stories and my grammar is ass so hel
Edgar Valden was very famous, he was known for his beautiful artwork. Even so, he was always bored of his art. He wanted something new, something unique.
One day he received a letter, it was an invitation. That day he was invited to the Oletus Manor, he hesitated at first, who knew where this would lead him. He thought about how this could benefit him, it soon hit him. He never revealed this to anyone, he swore to keep it a secret for the rest of his life. This, this is how Edgar Valden ended up in the Oletus Manor.


Edgar woke up sore and tired. He would've never expected to be in this situation. He went downstairs to be greeted by the acrobat, Mike. "Hey Ed!" Mike said, smiling and waving. Edgar, still tired and sore, made an attempt to wave but all he felt was pain. "Sorry Mike, I'm kinda sore from last night." Edgar said "No worries! Let's go get some breakfast!" Edgar nodded and followed Mike to the dining

They both sat down and started to eat. Edgar noticed a boy he had never seen before, the strange boy had brown hair put up in a ponytail. He looked like he had just gotten out of prison with a black eye. Edgar started to blush a bit. Mike notices this "Seems like you have a crush" he said jokingly while winking. Edgar started to blush more "No way! I haven't even talked to the guy!" Mike giggle while Edgar sat there, embarrassed.

Mike had an idea, "Why don't you talk to him?" Edgar though about it, it didn't seem too bad. Mike was his only friend in the manor and he obviously needed more company. "Very well" Edgar says while standing up. Mike was surprised, he didn't expect Edgar to actually go for it. "Go get em' tiger!" He yelled out at Edgar.

Edgar pretended not to hear Mike and walked up to the strange looking man. "Hello, what's your name" Edgar said. The strange man jumped, he was daydreaming about who knows what. "O-Oh! Hello! I've never seen you around here before!" The strange man said with a goofy smile. "Well It's nice to meet you, I'm Edgar Valden, my close friends call me Ed or Eddie." Edgar said calmly. "I'm Luca balsa! Nice to meet ya! Luca stuck out his hand and had the same goofy smile. Edgar had a very light pink blush that no one could notice, he shook Luca's hand and gave an awkward smile. He turned behind him and Mike was still sitting there with his plate, Mike winked at Edgar while Edgar just stuck out his tongue. Luca was just standing there awkwardly, "So.." Edgar jumped up, forgetting about Luca. "Oh I'm sorry!" Edgar said. Luca chuckled "Don't worry about it. I have to head to a match so I'll talk to you later!" Edgar waved goodbye, his blush is more visible now.

He walked back to Mike, Mike noticed his blush and smirked. "You know you're blushing right now Valden?" Edgar started mumbling things and whispered something to Mike. "If you tell anyone this your dead ."

"I think I like him."

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