An Unlikely Friend

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The next morning I woke up to the feeling of a heavy weight on my body. Slowly opening my eyes so I could see the plump orange cat curled up on my stomach. "Hey Buddy..." I closed my eyes again, but then I began petting the furball.

"Do you feel gross too?" I sighed and laid in bed for a few more minutes. Eventually I built up the motivation to get out of bed. Moving Arson to the side gently, getting a soft meow before he went back to sleep. The sun had come up from what looked like a few hours ago.

I poured some more food into the cats bowl, wondering if I should eat something too. No motivation to cook or clean, I simply took a few bites out of a meal bar.

With my 'breakfast' done I made my way outside once I slipped my shoes on. I took the watering can and watered my crops like usual. With some more energy to spend and nothing else to do, I made my way to the beach. In order to not run into anyone, I went down to Marnie's ranch through the bottom entrance at my farm. Then I made my way to the beach, making sure no one would notice me.

The sun was as bright as ever, glaring down at the world.

I got to the beach smoothly and made my way down the docks. The shack at the end looked both inviting and intimidating at the same time. Taking a seat on the edge of the dock, my feet close to touching the water's surface. I sat there for a while as I took in the beautiful Ocean. My thoughts came in waves just like the tide. It felt relieving.

The peace was soon interrupted when a gruff man came out of the shack on the dock. I whipped my head around to see who it was, not recognizing him. "Here, it looks like you need this more." His voice sounded rough yet kind. After he spoke he offered me the fishing rod that he held. "Oh? Well um thank you sir." I took the rod, a bit confused by the gesture. He gave me a nod before pulling out his own fishing pole. The older man began fishing a little farther to the left. I did the same.

We silently fished for hours, the man rarely spoke. Kindly, he gave me a cooler to place the fish in before I could sell them.

Realizing I hadn't brought my phone, I did my best to use the sun's position in the sky to figure out the time. Once I estimated it to be around 3:30, I packed up my things and left. Waving to the man as I did so.

It was probably going to be a lot harder to avoid people now that it was later in the day. Once I crossed the bridge that connected the beach to the town, I beelined for Marnie's Ranch. Right when I thought I was in the clear, a voice called out to me.

"Row- I mean Rose!" I could hear Sam's familiar voice as he called out from outside his house. Pretending to not have heard him, I continued walking. I even sped up my steps.

To my surprise he didn't attempt to call out again, or even catch up. I sighed with relief before feeling a pang of guilt. Maybe he was just trying to make things better? Or maybe he was going to apologize? No, it's not even his fault why would he apologize. All of my thoughts from earlier came rushing back. I quickly made my way back home, putting the fish I had gotten into the large bin where I put everything I sold.

After I finished putting everything away I went deeper into my farm. There was a large stump of a tree rooted deep in the ground that I wasn't able to get rid of yet. It was big enough for me to be able to lay my head and torso on. My legs hung off the side, but it was comfortable enough.

Being able to breath in the fresh air of the outdoors felt much better than staying inside my stuffy cabin. Arson eventually came over, I heard his soft paws stepping on the grass. He curled up beside the stump, seeming to just want to be near me.

"Am I dumb Arson?" I closed my eyes before quickly adding in, "Wait, don't answer that...."

"I thought I had passed the part of my life where I would embarrass myself this much. But then again I could just be an idiot, overthinking things in my mind when they aren't even that big of a deal." I knew obviously the cat couldn't understand me, but I just wanted to put my thoughts into words to maybe better understand them myself.

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