"Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there is no turning back. As of this moment..the Triwizard Tournament has begun."


Students filed out of the Great Hall, the group of Ravenclaws were back reunited with the Golden trio and some more friendly Gryffindors, "Reckon Dumbledore'll let us join?" Fred mused as George nodded, "Yeah, besides we're just a few months away from turning 17."

The bushy-haired girl rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Dumbledore's set up an age line around the Goblet, nobody past the age of seventeen would be able to cross the line." she pointed out but it didn't seem to stop the twins, instead encourage them.

"Oh just you wait for what we have in mind." Fred retaliated smugly to which Y/N and Caleb snickered at, "You two are always coming up with ways to get in trouble, aren't you?" Y/N mused as she shook her head disapprovingly, "To be honest It's quite surprising you're still allowed in Hogwarts."

Fred and George laughed as they motioned to both of the Ravenclaw's side, swinging their arms around her shoulder, George leaned down slightly to the girl's ear, "Wait til you see the new products we came up with." he teased in a whisper so that no one else could hear.

"Alright, see you lot tomorrow!" Fred called out as he and George turned a different corridor, waving back at the group as they returned the gesture.

"They never learn do they?" Lizzy huffed. "Known them my whole life, never changed." Ron mused as the rest of the group snickered in response. Y/N motioned next to the bushy-haired girl and instinctively wrapped her arm around her waist, sending her girlfriend a dreamy smile to which she returned.

"You ate well?" Y/N questioned genuinely as the bushy-haired girl replied with a nod, "I've learnt other ways to help the house-elves." she pointed out, earning a curious look from the Ravenclaw, "and what's that?"

Though, the bushy-haired girl didn't respond, "You'll find out." she mused with a playful shrug, though the Ravenclaw was about to continue and ask another question before being interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.

She lifted her head and stopped walking, a smile flashed on her face as she recognized the girl standing in front, "Oh, Hi, Angelique. Is there something you need?" she questioned sincerely, not noticing the scowl forming on her girlfriend's face.

Angelique grinned and nodded, flickering her gaze between Y/N and Hermione in her hold, "Yes, I've heard of ze spectacular library of yours, would you mind bringing me?"

The Ravenclaw glanced to her girlfriend, silently asking for permission to which the bushy-haired girl agreed to with a forceful smile, "Sure, I don't see why not."

"Thank you very much, you're a kind soul.." Angelique thanked and glanced over to the bushy-haired girl with a sweet smile, "Thank you too, miss..?"

"Ah, she's Hermione Granger..my girlfriend." Y/N beamed, though Angelique had a somewhat surprised expression, "Bien sûr! Nice to meet you, Hermione." she greeted to which the bushy-haired girl hesitantly reciprocated with a forced smile, "You too...."

"Angelique. Angelique Duval." Angelique mentioned, still keeping her smile. Suddenly, a red-haired boy appeared from the side, extending his arm out desperately, "Hi, I'm Ronald Bilius Weasley. Nice to meet you." he spluttered out dreamily while Caleb and Aidan snickered.

Angelique smile turned into a forceful one as she let out a nervous laugh, hesitantly shaking the red-haired boy's hand, "Pleasure to meet you." she greeted, though the red-haired boy only stared at the girl, still shaking their hands.

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