Camila blinked, she only remembered staring at a white ball, when she looked up it was only a number, "she was a baseball varsity?"

"Yes, she is."

"Number 16," is the word that only Camila replied.

Dinah and Ally shared a look, but they were smiling and they both said, "it was her jersey number!"

"I see," and she get sad because the figure is still blurry, just the 'jersey number' that is cleared.

Ally continued, "because of that she get mad on you then you saw me getting bullied by those football players in the hallways."

Camila smiled, "I remember that, they even called me mushroom then I met Dinah later after that and she called me pipsqueak," and she chuckled, "am I really that small?"

"Before," Dinah answered, "but not now, pipsqueak is smaller than you."

"I'm still small," Camila replied, "I know that."

It was now Dinah who tell their past, "it took some time for Lauren to warm up with you, because she's more religious than Ally."

Ally nodded in agreement, "it's really okay for me and besides Mila is a good person, there's no way I will change what I knew about her just because of what our beliefs said."

"You're right, we get warmed up after that, you, me and Ally then one time when Ralph's laptop is having a problem and I'm the one who is using it, it suddenly shutdown without permission, Ralph got mad at me then you offered your help."

"Me on that moment is asking you about our lesson because later that day we're having a long quiz and you're helping me understand it," Ally said.

Camila nodded.

Then Dinah continued, "yeah then you helped me, Ralph keep whining and you couldn't concentrate so you left grabbing her laptop and Ally and me, followed you, you even give her a procedure of how to update it because you said it after fixing it, it needed regular update, you give her your small notebook."

"And Laur still have it," Ally continued.

Dinah then smiled, "after that Ralph slowly warmed up to you, she even jog with us, even though Ralph didn't like you at first she understand you slowly and slowly until you two got along."

"Uhm—" and Camila scratch her head, "Justin told me a name of Brad? Who is he?"

Dinah and Ally shared a look once more then it was Ally who answered.

"Biggy and I didn't like this Brad Simpson from the very beginning because he only wants one thing with Lauren, he's Lauren's suitor."

"Really, then a spy, she's a spy? I don't get what Justin meant."

"Oh," and Ally chuckled, "it happened during our second year, Engineering week, you're new recruit of our club, Justin saw Lauren looking at you from the outside, she even passed me on the staircase without her knowing, her as an accounting student got 'lost' in the Engineering department?" and she shook her head.

"Yeah, yeah, the President said that the other courses didn't like what happened on the previous engineering week because they think that we engineering student stole the idea from the IT's."

"Yes, that's it, Lauren was just curious because you're not with us hanging, because we usually hang out."

"I see..."

"Then later..."

"No, biggy, after that scenario, you and Lauren got along."

"You two even hang out without us."

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