Chapter 4: Maximum madness

Start from the beginning

Windi's eyes furrowed with a sneer, raising a first as his other hand grips his fisted elbow. "How did you like that norm-scum!" He then places the calico on the second seat, heading towards the mustang immediately. Upon arriving, he sees something unbelievable, despite the duel with the troublemaking raiders with spears and crossbows, the figure was surprisingly huge, taller than then the men surrounding him. 

Windi then again notices the little-girl in full sight yet, noticing the strange difference. Her eyes were sickly yellow like snake-eyes, her hair was green yet it didn't even seem it was hair such as it was entirely made out of elephant ear plants. Her facial expressions were terrifying, her mouth was half open wide while her pupils constricted, shifting quickly at view to each member of the raiders, noticing one of them tried to reach her with a shriek while the big creature in cloak batted him away. 

"Get out of here. head on to the North to the forest, i'll catch up with you soon." The huge cloaked figure spoke from the distance, Windi was able to understand what he said, despite his blindness but he wasn't deaf. The little girl then shook her head lightly with a doubt, gripping Gorris's arm. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna go down easy." He replied. She then ran off, quickly into the forest. Windi upon seeing this growled, eyes narrowing and noticed there was two more vehicles chasing after Angela and turned back, noticing the cloaked figure already ripping all five of the raiders to shreds, some stabbing or shooting with the crossbow at him.

Windi then focused to the girl, quickly accelerating, he then pulled out the calico again, and turned the car towards the other vehicles straight into them with a loud roar. He faced his gun to the driver-seat window, directly looking at the first car being a 4x4 dodge truck. Windi immediately fired, shooting bits as the truck quickly stopped with Windi taking focus on the other vehicle which it was parked, doors already open.

"Shit!" Windi cursed, he stopped and got out of the car. Just as he was about to take a step further away a gunshot rang out, caused Windi to turn around, all three had fire-arms, two of them holding automatic rifles while one being a revolver that had fired nearly upon him. 
"Put yer fuckin hands up mutie, unless you want to become my pelt." The raider spoke, pointing the gun at him. It was a .45 Caliber, it would damage Windi pretty well by that type of damage rate.

A visible vehicle from the distance came up slowly, Windi recognizes lil-Wendy who was driving forward with a motorcycle quickly arriving slowly as he dismounted and is now sneaking up.

Windi raised his arms. "H-Hey, I am only just protecting that girl. what's wrong with that? Isn't it that you all wanted to do? She's very precious to me from what it seems." He spouted. The man then smirked looking at him with glee. "Yeah, but you shot at us, we'll consider you our enemy. Prepare to attend with the Inferno." He yelled, pulling down the hammer as the barrel of the revolver shifted to the next bullet and just before he can Wendy fired with his gun, shooting directly at his back, immediately collapsing to the ground. The two other men quickly fired their guns at Wendy with him being fast, he luckily retreated. 

Windi quickly dropped his hands, reaching to the back seat of the car, pulling a weapon which looks like a Walther WA 2000, but it's design looks more different, the barrel is longer and it has the a sonic pulse and strange compartments unto it's look. Windi opened the back of the stock, with a chamber for insertion, he placed two steel rods with blue markings inside and took aim. "This caster should do the trick..." He smirked, then locking the mechanism of the stock inside.

"Zàijiàn sucka!" The two men quickly looked at him as they quickly took aim, immediately with Windi firing the caster, a blue beam of light with spring like coils surrounding the beam heated up the truck, exploding it as two men were engulfed in flames by the explosion, caused by the devastating weapon. "Jeez..." Windi smiled, looking at the gun quickly. "I forgot how powerful this gun is." He then focused his eyes to Wendy. "Windi!" Wendy yelled, running up to him. "I checked the wreckage, sadly there is no signs of life, poor bastards. That woman is far dead already from what I've done, they cut her, the guy who was impaled told me that what I had to do is pretty much help a young-girl and I wasn't able to save him unfortunately." 

Windi's eyes narrowed, patting the top of Wendy's head. "You did your best little buddy, and uh... I see you got that guy, his.. head." Wendy sighed, smiling. "yeah I'd managed to decapitate him with the explosive round, he went flying like a football. He raised the hideous mess of a head, skin flayed looking like it was a banana peel. "But yeah, "I wouldn't even think it's even considered a war-crime since society has broken down itself so it's what that guy deserves when it comes to human violation. Anyway, we got to find this girl, she's a real cutie from what I can tell!"

Wendy's eyes narrowed. "What?" Windi questioned, the both stood in a moment of silence as Wendy shook his head very disappointedly. "Again, your senses fail like medusa of love freeze you to stone as your caution of breath ceases to the wind." Wendy replied. "W-Well still, those raiders seem to really want her, thus I never seen mutants being plants, despite swamp people back in Penticton, British Columbia so we got to hurry!" He yelled, just as Windi thumbed with both of his hands, pointing to the direction where the girl went, then snapping his fingers with his left hand. "Come on..." He pulled Wendy, dragging him off.

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