Trick Or Treat

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I'm just relieved that Peach never found out about what Teal did. I don't understand why I care... everyone just presumed that I was emotionless because my father was, and then I just grew into their expectations I guess.

Anyway. More recently? I've been having other problems. And it's all down to emotions.
My father was right. Emotions make you weak.

I wish I was truly emotionless, just like people considered me to be. If I could just feel nothing... everything would be easier.

Peach's PoV:

Rose has been acting off for the past few months. Apparently, I was the only person who had noticed. That kinda makes sense, I guess, because she didn't really speak to the others that much.

I would have talked to the others for advice on how to make her feel better, but I don't want to let everyone else know if she's feeling down, because she wouldn't want their pity. However, there was a problem, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

Today was a good day though. Halloween, it's guaranteed to be fun. It's always been my favourite holiday, for obvious reasons... but Rose had been looking forward to it too this year. We planned that I'd go as Stabby Steve, and she was Jeff the Killer, because creepypastas are the second best thing to Steve.

Hopefully the excitement would be a distraction for her.

Snow's PoV:

Halloween. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. We make scary disguises, then go to stranger's house and ask for food.

Mommy always says don't talk to strangers, and definitely no taking food, especially not sweets. Don't trust them. Stranger danger.

But Indigo says it's oki. If Indigo says yes, then I'm allowed.

Oh, and mommy told me yes.

Her costume was a ghost. But she always dressed like a ghost every day, even floated like a ghost sometimes. Mommy followed me most places. Sometimes she helps me talk to people, but most of the time I'm still quiet.

The other children don't know I can talk. They ignore me lots, so I give up speaking to them.

But not Indigo. Indigo my friend.

Indigo's PoV:

"Why are you a zombie?" Lemon asked Emerald.

"Well... it's Halloween. Zombies are scary" he shrugged.

"But they're not scary!" my sister argued, even though I certainly found them frightening
"They don't even exist, so they can't be scary!"

"But still!" Emerald continued, "you said ghosts weren't real, but they were giving us signs. Back at Mira-"

"Don't mention that place!" Lemon rather quickly snapped back, bitterness filling her voice.

"I'm sorry" he whined

"Are you crying?" I gently asked, and he quickly began wiping at his eyes with his sleeve, which just smudged the green face paint and wiped part of it off.

I didn't mean it in a mean way... I wanna help. I help everyone.

I help my sister, help Snow, even help our leader Lapis. So I can help Emerald easy peasy.

"Are you ok?" Peach asked, and Emerald nodded. Despite this, I could tell he wasn't really okay. So could Peach. She was also good at spotting problems, but only with her close friends. I can spot everyone's problems.

"Lemmy, why did you snap at Emerald?" I asked, "it's because he said about missions?"

"Yes, and he's refuelling those silly fantasies about ghosts and demons and stuff like that. I don't want people like him giving you false hope, we've got to accept that we can't see our parents again."

"Okay. But be nice" I say.

"I guess Lapis would say that too" she sighs. "I just... don't like the reminder of what happened... ugh. Why am I doing this? I'm supposed to make you happy, not depress you with my own problems!"

"It's oki" I assure, "I'm not depressed."

"Yes." She smiles, "sweet, innocent little Indie. Always happy. Please stay like that forever."

I nod happily and turn to Snow. "You oki?"

"Good?" He seems to ask.

"Yes" I laugh, "having fun?"

"Yup!" Snow exclaimed after a second.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one of the children who bothers speaking to Snow. They sort of brush him aside after one failed attempt.

But if they actually tried harder, were more patient, and listened to him? They could learn a lot. I'm still learning things. He's an interesting person if you get to know him. Not boring.

"Hurry up you two!" Scarlet laughed, "we gotta go!"

"Okay" I agreed, "Come on Snow."

"Oki" he whispered, taking my hand and racing along beside me.

The Babysitter II: Happy HalloweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora