Freddie Fazbear family Diner job

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It was just another horrible day again  i just cant stand this family  but what  family am i even talking about i dont have one anyways  because they kicked me out what for just my money now i dont have a job  i got fired  for some stupid  Rumor the only thing i have is my  car that im going to be sleeping in for tonight

Rain started pouring down "could this get any worse than it can " as i say this it started  to pour down hard i ran to my car and got in and started it up and  Drove to the nearest hotel to stay in the parking lot for a while until the rain calm down Lucky for me I still had a little bit of money inside my wallet just to stay at least one night
The stay in the hotel was 50$  that was good because i had a 100$
I got out the car and got inside the hotel front desk "hi i would like a room please " they took my money and gave me back my change  and i got my key and went to my room and opened it up  and closed it  locked it and sat on my bed and layed down and fell asleep i think tomorrow ill look for a new job

The next day
I woke up and looked at my phone and started seeing if there was a job somewhere  and lucky me there was it was Freddie fazbear diner restaurant they payed a little  it was a enough for me for awhile until i fine a good job i got up and left the room going to my car and leaving to get to the restaurant   i found it looked in good shape i could say i walked in  and looked for the boss or  Employee I found one I walked over saying if there was a job offer anywhere they took me to the boss's office i followed them and they left i knocked on the door "um hello?"
A  Slightly deep British voice said to come in i walked  in and sat in the chair 
The man looked up from his work "what would be your need to be in my office good man"
I looked him in the eyes"well im in the need of a job at this moment "
"Well are you good with Anmetronic 's and children if you are then you are well good to Straub as long as you don't break anything caused destruction" " Definitely don't need to worry about that I'm different good with animatronics and kids"
"Then your hired  Just as the employees will give you your uniformed to change into  also  are you doing the night shift or day shift ?"

I thought about it " im good with anything  day or night also my i know your name?"
" my name is William afton   I guess you'll be doing the night shift but if you do want to have the day shift you can also have no get to changing your work starts now"

I nodded my head and got up from the sea the right to office  And went to one of the employees And ask them for my uniforms one of them nodded in love me to where all the uniforms are I looked for my size I found 1 and I went to the restroom and changed once I changed I walked out to see what I could do I could start cleaning that's for 1 even though it's not that messi it's still good to clean because it could happen to the accident I went in grabbed a broom and started sweeping the floors were there was little bit of  Messes that There was lots of confetti As probably a few hours went by I already have more cleaning to do since the kids just left at 8 o'clock probably 9 though but there's still a lot of this everyone left since I only had the night shift to do since I wanted to have little bit of money since I know my time at the hotel

Started sweeping and sweeping the boss of William started leaving the office and said good night in major to lock up the door he told me that the office over there is where I have to go when it turns 11 in the starting hour is at 12:00 a.m. I know that I had continued to sleep until 11 everything is spotless" Well I can't believe I swept up this whole tire area at least I'm finally done it can get to go back to the office now" As I was going to the office I square felt like someone was there get me I quickly went to the office inside at the chair there was a message on the phone But I didn't press on until it was 12:00 a.m.

Few hours pass by to 12:00 a.m.

It was already 12:00 a.m.Depressed a message in listen to it as I was checking the cameras some of the animatronics looked pretty he started mentioning that they would move around and if they see you build think of you as a naked exoskeleton that kind of creech me out but it's probably just upper hire security other than meI guess closing the doors for my own safety that they don't attack meI looked in camera to be kind of surprised that someone was there so I kept on checking cameras but keeping my eye on the battery as he did say that my battery would low down every time I use power from the door and the cameras as I kept on Checking check chica was that my Right side staring at the window I quickly went to the door and closed it as I turned the other way saw Bonnie at my window I quickly in closed the door this was a surprise to me how quickly started moving this kind of scared me looks like I might need to take a little bit of practice of understanding the night shift but it doesn't bother me much as long as I am not dead and stuffed into a Freddy fazbear suit I'm AOK
" This is fucking bullshit but I guess I have to live with it I swear why am I always doing myself like this with bad luck when wrong move and I be dead for sure seriously what time do I get out again I think it was 6:00 a.m. right as usual on talking to myself like a weirdo" I looked at my watch it was only  3:00 " This is going to be a long fucking morning Start checking the camera seeing that I'm at 40% I opened both the doors
" looks like chikn body are gone But it doesn't mean I am going to let down my guard but keep it up until 6:00 a.m. but I'm switching to the day shift for 2 days at least"

As I made sure not to waste too much of my battery unless it's very important when the animatronics are really close as I hear the sound of the sweet release of 6:00 a.m. I got up from my chair and left the office quickly going to the door as I see my boss unlocking the door I walked out but making sure to not be rude in saying that I am going to go to sleep tomorrow morning is going to be my day shift and I know that for sure I don't know why the hell I picked this job but it sure did bring some excitement ha not like it  My life was an exciting enough

Getting into my car and turning it on and driving out of the parking lock to the road I know well close by area where I wouldn't get a ticket at I know I don't have any more money left for while I only have enough for some gas money or a little bit of food but it doesn't matter if I have food or not I just eat pizza from the job going to smalle unseen place I parked my car there I got in the back seat and laid down going to sleep I guess I have to wait for tomorrow Good thing already set to my alarm clock closing my eyes and getting comfortable

  Hey all its me the Arthur I am just here to say I just like   5 nights at Freddy'sbut like what am I doingI mean Alissa begin enough by the way I have 1400 in probably something numbersAnyways I just want to say I making part 2 right now hope you'll see this
By the way please comment if you want

The sexy lemon ;)

William afton x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now