"We knew you had two guitars so we decided to buy you another Ukulele to keep up with your guitar collection." Mina smiled as she watched (y/n) play a song.

"Sing your favorite!" Kirishima egged her on watching as she leaned back into him and with a smile graced on her lips she began to play the song. Her fingers perfectly moved on time and kept beat.

"Now that she's back in the atmosphere with drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey~" she smiled feeling herself let go of all her emotions and actually feeling happy. "She acts like summer and walks like reminds me that there's a time to change, hey~"

"Since her return from her stay in the room, she listens like spring and she talks like June, hey~" Denki joined in with her watching as she kept beat patting his leg and keeping tempo. The two sang together making the harmony and their voices sound perfect together. She had a rather beautiful voice. It was amazing. The two were just spot on though.

"But tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day and head back to the milky way?" she sang and started to strum allowing him to sing the next part.

"But tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded?" they piggybacked off of each other until the very ending of the song leaving them to sing in harmony.

Everyone around them smiled and clapped.

"Who knew she could sing," Sero smiled as he was amazed by her talents. "She's got the whole nine yards."

"Such flattery going on here," (y/n) giggled as she leaned forward and sat the Ukulele down and somewhere safe.

"Yeah don't do that," Izuku chuckled.

"It will go to her big head, and it's big as it is." Katsuki said as he earned a glare from (y/n).

"Lies!" she scoffed and giggled.

"Here is the next gift," Kirishima reached around the couch and sat a small wrapped present on her lap.

She stared down at it confused. If it was another Train CD she had them all.

"What is it?" she asked, picking at the paper slightly.

"Open it, you'll find out." Denki smiled as he leaned forward out of excitement.

"Okay," she smiled and ripped open the paper and stared down at the CD casing. Her eyes watered as she read the cover title.

The Girl Next Door

"All the songs we cranked out in the last month," Kirishima said as he leaned forward placing his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"We made some great hits," Sero said as Denki agreed with him.

"And they're all about you, babe." Mina said, smiling.

(y/n)'s eyes looked up at each and everyone of them with a smile on her face as she cried happy tears.

"Thank you," she whispered. She read the back of the album and read each song. "The girl next door, late night calls, coffee shop waitress, apartment 504, the girl in the sunflower dress, midnight talks," she stopped reading them and smiled. Her hand reached up and wiped her eyes. This would be a gift she always remembered. "This is amazing."

"We knew what our inspiration was, babe." Mina said as she wiped her own eyes that had begun to cloud up with tears. "And was you ever since we met you at that party, such a beautiful soul like you I think can change many lives."

(y/n) cried a little harder, a smile adorned on her face. She was so lucky to have these people in her life. The people she could consider close, the people she could always trust, unlike hitoshi. He showed her the world, but these people showed her life. They showed her each something separately big but necessary in her eyes.

"Thank you so much," she cherished the gifts she was given, but she would cherish the people who gave them to her more than anything.

"We actually have one last gift." Katsuki said as he looked over at Izuku who already had tears in his eyes. The blonde rolled his eyes and snickered slightly. "Come on man, we haven't even given it to her yet."

"I'm sorry," Izuku said as he sniffled. "Okay, I'm ready." he got up and followed Katsuki pulling out a big book that was elegant looking and labeled with words on the top. "We started this when you graduated high school, and went back and printed all of the pictures of us together and moments and people who helped you flourish into the young lady you are today."

"And we made sure to leave room for more memories as they come," Katsuki said as he smiled at the girl who had by now begun balling. "Only because we know you changed our world when you were born and we want to show you that impact and how you will one day change the world with your overly bright, optimistic attitude, with a little bit of chaos mixed in, but I wouldn't want my baby sister any other way." Katsuki paused knowing he was getting a little sensitive in the mix of things. "Nor would I want my baby brother any different, no matter how much I act like I hate him, you two may not have my blood, but you're sure as hell my siblings."

"Katsuki," (y/n) smiled as she sat the book down and rushed into his arms hugging the life out of him and Izuku. "You two are the best things that ever happened to me."

"Thank you, katsuki." Izuku said, smiling as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thanks for being the protective sibling this trio needed, but I think it's time we expanded and added one other person into the mix."

Katsuki and (y/n) backed away as the two smiled brightly. (y/n) sniffled and leaned her head onto Kasukis chest and watched the scene unfold between her eyes.

"Ochako Uraraka," Izuku knelt down, taking a deep breath and holding in his tears. "I knew from the first time I set my eyes on you, I wanted to marry you and have a family, now that you met my crazy family and have dealt with our shenanigans and somehow still stick around, I knew for sure you had to be the one. I mean, (y/n) adores you, Katsuki in his own way enjoys your company, if those aren't signs that you're the one, then I don't know what is. So, will you do the honor and become future Mrs. Midoriya."

(y/n) gasped and hugged Katsuki tighter as he wrapped his arms around (y/n) as well both with bright smiles and tears glossing their eyes as they watched Izuku at this very important moment in his life.

"Yes," Ochako cried as she hugged Izuku tightly, kissing him on the lips. "A million times yes."

"Thank the gods," Izuku smiled, placing the ring on her ring finger.

"We raised him right," (y/n) balled along with Katsuki who was doing a better job of holding it in.

"I'm surprised he finally turned into a man," Katsuki said as he held onto (y/n).

"My big brother is finally a man. But when are you going to get married, Katsuki?"

"Never now leave me alone!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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