"Drop your gun Doyoung." Dai said with a smirk. He was seated comfortably on his chair with two men on either side of him, each holding guns aimed at his heart and brain.

"What the fuck? How i-" The male couldn't finish his sentence as a man appeared behind him and plunged a syringe into his neck.

January 6th, 6:01 PM
N Culture Official HeadQuarters

"Get up."

Doyoung glared at the man who just entered his cell. He had woken up a few hours prior and seen that he was thrown into a holding cell in the agency's basement.

"Come on man. Now. Your little buddies Chenle and Jisung will be in trouble if you don't."

Doyoung grumbled but got up and followed the man, not bothering to fight as he had no escape plan and no way to get the young couple to safety.

He was led back to the office of his chief, and he growled at the sight of the man.

Dai was sitting in his chair with a leg thrown over the chair's arm. He looked lax, in deep contrast to the chaos he had wreaked this entire day on N Culture.

There were two more guards to Doyoung's right, and he gasped as he saw that both Chenle and Jisung were in their hold with knives at their throats.

"Chenle, Jisung, calm down. It'll be fine." He said, trying to mainly calm the younger of the couple down because he looked like he wanted to dismember the man holding his boyfriend.

He glared at the chief. "How could you?"

The man simply smirked and threw his head back while sighing comfortably.

"Hm, I don't know either Doyoung. Guess I've always been like this. Surprised you never noticed honestly."

"Now, enough with your question, I have a request you have to fulfill if you don't want these two over here dead." He said as he pointed to the young couple.

Doyoung growled. "And what is your request?"

The man smirked and stood up, walking closer to Doyoung. "Call Yuta Nakamoto."

The spy froze. "What do you need with him? He's not a part of N Culture anymore."

"Just call him."

Doyoung glared at him and pulled out his phone. He had a plan in mind but he didn't know if Yuta would understand.

The two had established a secret code since they were in the training academy together, but it was so long ago that the younger was worried his best friend wouldn't remember.

He decided it would be better to try it anyways, and he picked up his phone.

"What do I tell him?"

"Well he's your best friend isn't he? Tell him you need help with an old file of his case. Tell him to come to N Culture and that everyone's already off work."

Doyoung clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he dialed Yuta's number.

"Hello? Doyoung? It's been so long! W-"



Doyoung blinked a few times. He knew what he was about to do was very risky but it was vital to his escape plan.

"H-help. N Culture was attacked."

Immediately, Dai pulled out his gun and pointed it at Chenle menacingly.

Doyoung widened his eyes and mouthed for his chief to wait.

"What? Doyoung did I hear you right?"

"Haha! You should hear your voice. Just kidding!"

He interrupted his words with two coughs and a huff. "Anyways, what I really meant was that there's a file from one of your old cases that I need help looking at."

"Can you come over to HQ? Everyone's gone already since today was a small holiday."

Yuta paused for a second while briskly walking back into the mansion. "Uh yeah. I'll be there in a bit."

"Okay." Doyoung said as he ended the call.

"You've got some nerve Mr. Kim." Dai said as he tucked his gun back into his pocket.

Doyoung's sighed and gave him a sarcastic smile:

"I know."


Hey guys :) Ba bum. New book!

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