T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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" We have to get there now!" Stefan shouted from his room, but I heard it clearly as I used one of my abilities as a vampire.

" Get where exactly, and why?" I shouted back, as i threw my bag over my shoulder. Heading my way to the living room. Stefan stood near the door, waiting for both me and Damon.

" Well Elena's idiot of a brother Jeremy tried to kill himself to become a vampire but he was unsuccessful. A really good thing, but maybe at the same time he should have just died in his sleep" He smiles sarcastically, making the two brother exchange looks at each other as Damon turned his head to look back at him.

" Well are you still going to come?" Stefan flung the door open as Damon already took a step pass the exit. He spun around, now observing me as he awaited an answer to burst from my luminous pink lips.

" Dumb of you to ask, but yeah I'll come along" I smile, taking a foot out the door. The three of us marching over to the car. Everyone taking their seats, as I relocate myself. Getting comfortable. Both the brothers, Damon and Stefan sat in both the front seats this time. As I sat in the back seat. It only took a couple of seconds before Damon got the car started.


Damon had parked the car only in-front of Elena's house, as we closed the car door shut. Stefan hastily ran up to her doorstep, Damon taking his sweet time. Then finally making his away over. As he knocked on the door, She opened it wide. Noticing I was with them, not giving really any much attention. Attempting to get inside, feeling like for some strange reason that I couldn't afterwards. Like it was a magnetic field.

They all look back at me, almost going up the stairs. Elena knits her brows, heading over to me. Then realizing that I was a vampire. She seemed a little shocked, but I thought she already knew. It then came to my head, Stefan must have not told her yet. But she didn't have the time to really ask him about that.

" You may come in, Sadie" She says sternly, turning back around with the heel of her foot. Running up the stairs. As I made it up to last step, his door had been already flung open. I wandered into his room, Damon was in the corner. Not with much concern with what really happened to the boy.

" How can I check if he's-" Elena started to panic, as I squeezed his cheeks tightly with my hand. Tilting it to both sides. Checking for any side effects. As he tried to slap my hand off, Damon suddenly pushes me out the way. Standing in-front as he leaned in his head to stare at him.

" Sorry, Jeremy- but what were you about todo?" Anger plastered all over his face. A deadly look in his piercing blue eyes. Jeremy still sat on his bed, gazing up at him nervously.

" I wasn't going todo anything" He gulped.

" I'm not your fucking parental guardian or something, don't be ridiculous!" He spat at him with cruel words. I then place my arm in-front, creating an amount of space between them. He moved my arm away. Taking a step forward.

" Your lucky everyone in this room is here, dumbass" He rolls his eyes, now standing beside me. The expression still shown within his facial features.

" He's perfectly fine, Elena" I turn away from him. As she nodded her head in response. He forcingly turned my head back to stare at him.

" So your just going to avoid me for the rest of the day now?" He scoffed.

" Never said that, but it doesn't mean you just do that! For goodness sakes he's Elena's brother" I shouted at him.

" He was gonna slap you off him, what else did you want me todo then?" He started to complain.

" Nothing! Just for you to stay in control was all anyone wanted you todo" I stormed off, heading away from him for a moment. I now stood next to Stefan- waiting to make sure if Elena needed anything else from the either two of them.

𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒, Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now