Take me to the Hospital

Start from the beginning

After what felt like an eternity, The doctor had her comfortable. Jon was sat by her side, gripping her hand for dear life, peppering feather light kisses on her knuckles. "Come on babe..." whispering into the skin of her hand. "Hey, you know, she might be out for a while, so you could get a coffee, we'll come get you if anything changes" The doctor states while placing a hand on his shoulder. "No...I'm stayin here" looking from the doctor back to Rosie.

A few hours later, she has been flushed of all the drugs in her system but she still hasn't woken up. Out the corner of his eye he sees her phone on the drawers, he picks it up "Hey...Is it okay if I play some of her music....she likes music" Jon holding up the phone to the doctor. "Sure, just not too loud" smiling at him between jotting down notes. Jon clicks on the phone, Rosie had briefly shown him how to use it, he was no expert but he knew the basics. He opens up her music, scrolling down to her favourite song and pressing play. The gentle melody of Josh Groban-All I ask of you sounding through the room, She is a big fan of Phantom of the opera, his thoughts immediately go back to the other day when she played the movie for him . He strokes her cold cheek as the notes sift through the air, peppering kisses on her hand and wrist.

After a minute or so, her fingers twitch in-between his hand, his eyes dart to her face like a magnet. Her eyes slowly flicker open a few times, her weak grip on his hand tightening ever so slightly as she eventually peels her eyelids open. Her vision still blurry but not as bad as before but her thoughts still groggy "Where am I?" her voice still weak. "Amy...It's alright...You're in the hospital" lightly rubbing her arm to calm her "What's the last thing you remember". She closes her eyes, trying to bring up her memories, suddenly all the memories of Jon come rushing to the surface so fast, it causes her to go a little faint, then out of the din a memory of Jon kissing her comes through. A faint smile creeps up on her dry cracked lips, she raises her free hand to touch her lips in hopes that Jon's touch still lingers on them "He kissed me..." her whispers filling the room, Jon smiles at her, he wasn't expecting her to remember that seeing as you don't usually remember things after having a seizure. Realization hits her like a ton of bricks, her breathing starting to go heavy, lumps rising in her throat. She struggles to lift herself up "Jon...Where is he" She feels a weight pushing her back down. "Hey...It's alright...Just rest" The doctor states, she feels the tears forming in her eyes. "Please...Tell me he's still here...Jon....Where is he?" her voice breaking under her tears. Jon looks at her in confusion, he jumps up when she tries to lift herself up again "Hey....Hey...It's aright...I'm here". His voice soft and gentle as his hand rubs circles in her hand while the other caresses her cheek. "Jon??" her voice all breathy, she feels the panic dissipating when she feels his touch. "Yeah...It's me" he responds. she gets a burst of energy and throws her arms around him, before she knew it she was sobbing her heart out all over him, his heart sank when he heard her cries "Shhh...It's alright" stroking his hand up and down her back, his motions soothing her. "I was so scared you had gone back..." Her croaky voice breaking under her tears. "You know I wouldn't go without sayin goodbye" whispering while he kisses her hair. Once she had calmed down, the doctor talked her through everything and asked her some questions.

A few hours later, they were back in her apartment, Jon helping her into the bedroom so she can rest as she was still weak. "You hungry or thirsty?" He quizzes her while he helps her into bed "Could you get me some water please" giving him a weak smile, he gently kisses her on the forehead before going for the water. He wasn't away for long but by the time he got back, she was fast asleep. He put the water down on her bedside table and stood there for a moment, just watching her sleep, she looked so peaceful. 

He left her alone to sleep, so he sat in the living room, taking off his jacket, shoes and shirt and decided to play a little guitar. His mind ended up wondering away, he did miss his own time and his band mates and he couldn't wait to get back but at the back of his mind he'd miss Rosie a lot. His mouth was stretching open as he yawned, sprawling out his arms, the lack of sleep taking hold. After a little while, he ended up falling into a deep slumber on the couch, slowly entering the dream world with each passing snooze. 

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