"Im hunters father Richard and my wife is Amelia" he said. " Nice to meet you two" I said.

"May I be excused" I said and they both nodded their heads. I got up and made my way to the the bed and fell onto it. I need to see Colton ASAP. I dug through his bag not being able to find his phone or mine. I tried mid linking him but it doesn't work it's really weird I can mind link my parents but not him then it hit me.

Hunter might of made him a rogue dammit. I ran downstairs and hunter and his parents were still there talking so I just went straight to the point. "Why can't I mind link Colton" I said.

"He was sentenced as a rogue two days ago why are you asking" Amelia said with concern on her face.

"Who sentenced him as a rogue" I asked through gritted teeth. "Hunter" she said. "Ok I'm done I'm leaving this pack" I said "No your not" Hunter growled. "Watch me" I said said ad walked away.

"Sonia I command you to stop" he said in his alpha tone. "That doesn't work on me" I stated even though it took all my energy to keep walking my wolf wanted to obey his command badly she was basically whimpering.

He quickly shoved me against the wall. "What does he have that I don't" he growled. "He is one hundred times the man that you will ever be" I hissed back his eyes started to flicker from brown to black he was obviously fighting his wolf.

"So your willing to give up our relationship for him" he said "we never had a thing in the first place" I said his eye were full of pain I felt extremely bad damn this mark he gave me is getting in my head.

"This would of never happened if you weren't such an asshole" I said and started to pack again.

"Fine how about this I'll sent a search party for him" he said "like I would believe you, you lied to me about keeping Colton in the pack I never knew the last person I could trust would be my mate" I said and started to walk away. I have my bag packed with shirts and food.

"I'll be back when I find him" I said and rethinks it. "Never mind I'm not going back to this hell hole" I stated. "Please Sonia I can't run this pack without you and I won't be able to live without you" he said pleading and he got down on both his knees I had to give him credit for that.

"Fine" I sighed I know this mark is making be weaker to him. "Thank you I just mind linked my warriors for a search a party you won't regret it love" he said and quickly embrace me in a hug.

He pecked my lip and kissed my mark I was still pissed about that but I should just let the subject drop I was probably gonna do
It anyways.

I walked to the bed and layer onto the bed all this yelling this morning was making me light headed. "Rest love you need to sleep" he said "No way it's still morning" I argued back "fine just lay in bed and I'll join you" he said I was about to appose to it but I actually found it nice.

I went on the bed and no doubt he came to the bed next to me. I layer my head on his chest and he just grabbed my hand. "My soccer team has a game tomorrow can I play please" I asked "No you will just run away" he said "You can't keep me in here forever plus I need to go to school I have good grades and I don't want them to drop" I Said.

"We'll get a tutor" he said " what about soccer" I asked "we have an xbox in our game room play fifa" he said.

"Thats no fair" I said "life's not fair sometime you have to deal with it" he said "if I asked you mom she would be on my side and so would your dad" I stated and removed my head from his chest.

"Fine but I will have two guard watching you at all times my beta and my third in command" he stated. "Thats fine with me" I said.
"Well tomorrow's school I can't wait" I said and pounced off the bed.

"Well you have to go shopping then" he said "no I hate shopping" I whined. "You have to plus your right you need you education" he said.

"I'll call Ryan's mate and her friends to take you" he said "no I don't wanna shop" I kept whining.

🐾🐾🐾20 minutes later🐾🐾🐾

I was gripping on my bed with Nicky and her friend Roxy holding onto my ankles trying to pry me off.

"I'm not going" I yelled and still gripping at the head board. As for Hunter he looking at us amused."You are the first girl I have met that doesn't love shopping" he said and chuckled.

Then he started to walk over to me. "go away and tell them to go away" I yelled. "No you wanted to go to school now theres no going back" he said.

"Calm down" he said and crawled onto the bed and put his head to where my head was. "Go away you crack head" I yelled and gripped on the bed harder due to them pulling my legs harder he just chuckled.

I saw his eyes full of amusement in his eyes it was annoying especially me gripping the bed. I was about to say something to him but he brought his lips to me and started to kiss me softly he deepened the kiss and was licking my bitten lip for permission. I slightly moaned into the kissed and the second I brought my hands from the board and was about to bring it to his hair but I was pulled back.

Gosh I forgot they were pulling on my leg. They both fell onto their butts from the sudden reaction and I landed on my face.

"Traitor" I yelled as I was dragged out of the room.


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