Chapter 8

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The intruder chuckled and smiled brightly at you

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The intruder chuckled and smiled brightly at you. "I'm surprised that you did not get informed about me coming here."

After hearing him said said that, you lowered your stance but still on guard. You gave him a confused gaze then remember system telling you about a Host being here. 

"My System did informed me about you coming here. I was just surprised by your sudden appearance." you sat down on the bed not taking your eyes off the intruder.

The intruder chuckled at you. "You don't have to be wary, I'm just here to deliver the upgrade." then, a round thing with a 'Streamer #4' written at it appeared besides him.

You curiously watch the small thing float beside him. "Is that your System?" You asked. The man in front of you smiled brightly. "That's right! This is my little streamer, and I'm Nico the fourth streamer user."

Glancing at little streamer you were curious what content they record and who are the viewers.

"What do you record and who are your viewers?" You curiously asked him.

"Oh! Nice Question! Hey streamer 4 start recording!" He pointed at the small round thing. The round thing started glowing a bit.

You were shocked by him commanding his system to suddenly record.

"Stop recording!"

You took the pillow from behind you and throw it at little streamer which Nico catching it instead.

"Hey, hey, please don't throw anything to my sweetie and please let me record you for my new content." He gave you back your pillow and gave you a puppy eyes.

You took the pillow from him and sighed. "You should ask for people's consent first before recording."

Nico gave you a small smile and apologized for suddenly recording.

"And what about the update? Isn't that your main purpose here?"

Nico's eye widen remembering his main objective. "I'm sorry, I totally forgot about it..." he said, scratching the back of his hat.

"Little streamer, Give the orb to her system."

Your System appeared in front of you taking the red orb from the little streamer

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Your System appeared in front of you taking the red orb from the little streamer. You glanced at the red orb with curiosity, how can such small orb upgrade your system?

"Can you tell me what's that orb about?" You asked crossing your arms. "The orb contains the upgrade! But I don't know what kind of upgrade you'll get since all Mr. Gold told me was to give you the update."

"Host, I'll start upgrading. The update usually takes a day, we'll know what the update is about tomorrow." Your system said and disappeared leaving you with Nico and his little streamer.

Nico sat beside you at the bed and gave you a cheeky smile. "Can I for your consent to include you to my stream today? Please?" he clasp his hands and gazed at you expectantly.

Since this time he asked for your consent you agreed to be recorded. "Fine" you replied, since you felt that this person seems to pester anyone until they agree to what he wants.

Little Streamer went to the front of both of you and glowed. "Hey guys it's me Niconico, and welcome back to my channel! Sorry for making you guys wait. Oh! And we have a guest for today this is..." Nico glance at you. "Hello! I'm (Y/N)." You wave your hands at little streamer.

"So (Y/N) tell me about this Universe. What Universe are you currently residing?"

"We're currently here at Jojo's Universe!" You answered smiling. Then He asked lots of question mostly why you chose this universe, your age, how you got your system, were you planning to go to another universe as well etc. etc.

"And that's it! Bye guys stay tune for my next stream!" Then both of you made a Jojo pose before little streamer turn off the recording. "This universe seems interesting, I'll stay here for few more recordings. Bye (Y/N)!" He waves goodbye at you then disappeared.

You look at the clock and sigh. It's already seven am.

It took both you and Nico an hour with questioning, and answering his questions was fun.

You got up from the bed and decided to go to the bathroom.

"Need to shower" You muttered to yourself feeling a bit disgusted for not taking a bath last night and for falling asleep without changing your clothes.


After taking a bath you took a plain white shirt, black shorts and white rubber shoes from your spatial inventory. You also put your dirty clothes to the inventory, you'll wash it later.

You took a toothbrush and toothpaste from your inventory and proceeds on brushing your teeth.

"I'll buy blower next time..." you muttered taking a notice of your wet hair from the mirror.

After spitting the water at the sink, you grinned at the mirror looking at your teeth and nodded at yourself satisfied. You got out from the bathroom feeling refreshed. You went down and saw both Narancia and Fugo.

The both of them look up to you, noticing you coming. "(Y/N)! Come Buccellati just bought this delicious cornetto!" Narancia happily exclaimed. "Good morning Narancia, Good morning Fugo." You greeted them and sat down besides Narancia.

"(Y/N) coffee or hot chocolate?" Fugo asked standing up. You look at him surprised"(Coffee/Hot chocolate)" you answered with smile and look down at Narancia's notebook. He's studying math early in the morning.

Glancing at the bread you took one and started eating. This is delicious! You happily ate the bread. "Here's your (Coffee/Hot chocolate)" Fugo put down the hot chocolate in front of you before going back to his seat. "Thank you Fugo!"

While you were eating Fugo continue on teaching Narancia, he was explaining to him how to get the answer when multiplying. You also listen to him explaining, and curious why Narancia who memorize the whole multiplication table doesn't get the correct answer.

Fugo perfectly explained it and showed some examples. "Did you get it? That's how you multiply it" Narancia yawned and nodded at him. Fugo started writing something from the notebook. "Here, this is your homework. I know you can do it since you've already memorized the multiplication table." Fugo closed the note book and handed it back to Narancia.

Both of them continue on eating the bread while you sip at your hot beverage.

Mista and Abbacchio got down. Mista sat besides you while Abbachio sat across you setting his bottle of wine down the table.

"Goodmorning, Beautiful." Mista greeted you putting his hand on the table while staring at you.

"Goodmorning, Mista. Goodmorning, Abbacchio!" You greeted. Mista gave you a flirty smile while Abbacchio gave you an annoyed gaze then take some cornetto.

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