Chapter Four: Faithless

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"Mr. Kenny? I'd like to have a word with you, it's about your friend." The sweaty and drowsy man looked up from the wooden table before him His hazel eyes placid and glossed over. "Um..." Charlotte was taken back by the sight. "Are you okay?" Kenny didn't answer instead opting to shake his head slowly. "Do you need something? A bottle of water or something along those lines?" This time Kenny didn't respond at all as his body was encased in a thick sheen of sweat.

Well, this is going to be easy...Charlotte thought as she pulled out a chair and sat down Kenny still refusing to acknowledge her. "Kenny I-" Kenny muttered something under his breath his mouth agape as a small stream of slob trickled from his mouth. "Um...come again?" Charlotte asked her voice tinted with annoyance. "I ain't kill em." Charlotte's expression softened and she leaned on the table.

"Okay then, well..." Charlotte thought about what a detective might say in this situation. "What were you doing before the incident?" Kenny tapped his finger on the table his mouth still drooling. "Kenny I need you to-" "I was in my room." "Doing what?" Kenny's eyes flickered to the door then back to the floor. "Loading my gun." Apprehension filled Charlotte's chest.

"Why were you loading your gun..." This time Kenny answered immediately his voice clear and casual. "To shoot my friend." Charlotte's throat felt sore as a pit formed in her stomach. The woman shook in her seat and looked towards the mirror behind her only to see a reflection of herself and what she believed to be a murderer.

"I-I'm assuming you through with all of that...?" Kenny shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward in his chair. "I guess." Charlotte reached inside her coat her eyes predatory and intense. "Can you write all that down? It'll help to get all that off your chest don't you think?" Kenny shook his head profusely crumbs falling out of his greasy hair.

"I'm not stupid. I'm ain't writing no confession." Charlotte let a sigh out it appeared her job would be a hard one as if she expected it to be easy. This entire situation is strange, a detective blackmailing random chicks to do his job? A barely sentient suspect that openly admits to committing the crime? How strange especially considering that Kenny was supposed to be trouble breaking. The only reason I can think this would happen is if that Cop guy wanted to show me something, something he couldn't explain normally.

"'re telling me that you loaded your gun, walked over to your friend, SHOT HIM and you didn't commit murder?" Kenny looked up his glassy eyes now bold and wide with emotion. "It ain't murder, he didn't die." "That's still attempted murder." "He didn't seem to care when he got up and walked out the store." Charlotte stood up from her chair frustration punching her face.

"Liar! I saw the news report you shot the guy eight times in the chest! They ran an autopsy on his body it's supposed to be in the morgue!" Kenny didn't move only slightly parting his lips to speak. "He didn't die. He got up and left before the Police came and arrested me." Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Yeah, he left with eight bullet holes in his chest..." "There weren't any wounds." "You shot him EIGHT TIMES." "I don't know what happened, he simply got his ass up and left. Even now I don't know what those cops were looking at, there wasn't even a splotch of blood on the wall."

"Your psychotic." "I'm right is what I am." Charlotte climbed back into her seat her line of questioning far from over. "Why did you shoot your friend?" "He was possessed." Kenny hung his head his eyes dropping dots of water onto the stone floor. "He killed his wife and his own baby brother. And you ain't gonna find them because he destroyed their bodies." "How did he destroy their bodies?""They just disappeared...he said we wasn't gonna find em till the time was right."

Sweat trickled down Charlotte's neck. "Why did he...kill his family...?" "I dunno." Kenny sobbed. "It all started when he got back from his trip to the mountains." Kenny looked to the ceiling obviously trying to get the tears back in his eyes. "He wanted to get some alone time on his time off work. He was supposed to be gone for three days but he was gone for a week. We had the police investigate but they ain't find nothin'. Then he came back, he was cold wouldn't talk for anything just..."

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