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This was the first day in 2 years where I'm actually talking and walking with my dad.

Dad: 2 years huh.
Y/N: Ya 2 years. You had to serve in the army or something.
Dad: Ya. They needed me to help in a war.
Y/N: You really fought in the war.
Dad: Duh I mean of course they'd ask me.

He jokingly started flexing his muscles.

Y/N: Did you win.
Dad: Ya.
Y/N: They said that you died though. How are you here?
Dad: I could have died. There was a huge avalanche and I got caught in the snow. After the avalanche was over I couldn't find my way back to where we were staying. So I went to the nearest town and flew over here.
Y/N: How long were you in town.
Dad: Since yesterday.
Y/N: Yesterday?
Dad: Ya honestly I felt bad for leaving that long so I thought I could get a nice surprise for you.
Y/N: Surprise?
Dad: Ya.
Y/N: Is it a puppy?

He chuckled.

Dad: I mean we can get a puppy. Just some day.

Their was silence for a second.

Dad: So how was life here.
Y/N: Honestly I loved it here. Gon, Killua and I were always doing stuff.

I blushed for a second.

Y/N: And well I have a boyfriend now.
Dad: Wait boyfriend?
Y/N: Ya.
Dad: Who is it. I need the gossip.

He joked.

Y/N: Actually it's Killua.
Dad: The kid with the white poofy hair?
Y/N: Yes.
Dad: No wonder he looked at you like that.
Y/N: What do you mean.
Dad: When he looked at you, his eyes kinda twinkled. You can just tell he was in love.

I smiled.

My dad stopped walking. In confusion I looked around my surroundings. Seeing if I can sense anything. Nothing.

Dad: Ok were here!
Y/N: Wait what? I don't get it.
Dad: Were here at our new home!

I looked at the house he was facing.

Y/N: Wait were moving here?!
Dad: Ya being honest I was here for like a week moving everything to this house.

I hugged my dad and I ran inside my new home.

Y/N: Where's my room?

He pointed to a door.
I went inside and there was boxes of all my stuff.

Dad: Since you seen the surprise you wanna go back to Aunt Mito's house?
Y/N: Heck ya!

I ran outside the house waiting for my dad to lock the door to the house.
I jumped up and down in excitement telling my dad to hurry.

Y/N: Race you there!

I started running to the direction of my second home.
With my dad running behind me almost catching up to me. I used my nen ability to speed up.
Leaving him in the dust.

I got to Aunt Mito's house and started knocking on the door.

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