What is The Earth and Animal Protection Society?

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The earth and animal protection society is a safe community where you can share ideas about the environment, debate, chat, and more! Everything that the Earth and Animal Protection Society (EAAPS) does revolves around the animals and the earth that they live on.

The simplest role we have to offer is the member. If you're a member, we'll put your username on our profile. When you're a member, you can chat about the earth in our chatting book and participate in debates in our debate book. 

Also, you don't have to JUST become a member of the EAAPS. The EAAPS has a variety of roles that you can have. If you have one of the roles, you can still chat in the chatting book and debate in the debate book. Here are all of our roles that you can choose from:


Requirement: write at least 1 article every four months. More often would be better, but sometimes people get busy and have other priorities and the EAAPS wants to be flexible with the deadlines.

What the writer does: After you sign up be a writer, the EAAPS will create a separate book on their account as well as put your wattpad username on their profile so everyone knows that you're a writer for the EAAPS. The book that the EAAPS creates will include all of your opinion pieces about the earth. Each writer will have a separate book with a cover that the EAAPS makes and they approve. The writer sends their work by using the private messaging feature that wattpad has. Unfortunately, wattpad has a 2000 character limit. If your work exceeds this limit, then you can send your writing in chunks. After you finish writing, the EAAPS will hook you up with a random editor/an editor of your choice that will edit your work. You can look over your work in the end to see if you like the changes that the editor made. If you don't, you can private message the editor and chat to them about certain changes that they made. Make sure to have your original draft saved on your computer, just in case there's something that you want to keep! 


Requirement: edit at least 3 works in total

What the editor does: When you sign up to be an editor, the EAAPS will put your username under your profile so everyone knows that you're an editor. After a writer writes something, we'll hook you up to them and then you can edit their work. 

The Debater: 

Requirement: The debater must post at least 3 debates in total.

What the debater does: The debater's username will be on our profile. The EAAPS has a book that we made titled: Debates. The debater can submit debates that they have as well as a couple reasons about why each side is good. Debates have to be environmental related or animal related. After the debater private messages us the debate topic, we will put the debate topic twice inside The Debate book. Why twice? Good question. One of them will be just to chat about the topic, and the other will be a competition. The debater must decide the following: The prizes (such as a follow from the debater) and when the winners will be determined. This brings us to another role in the EAAPS: the judge.


Requirement: Must judge at least 3 debates total

What the judge does: The judge's name will go on our profile. They will be randomly paired up with a debater or they can be paired up by a debater's request. The judge gets to choose the winner of the debate. They may not enter that debate contest otherwise they might be bias. 

If you want to join the EAAPS but just want to chat with others, there is a book titled 'chatting' that we made. People can just chat about different topics, like about the earth and animal cruelty.

All of the roles have to do with the earth and animals, nothing else such as Among Us or anime or ice cream. You can choose more than one role. However, if you're a writer and an editor you can't edit your own books. If you are a debater and a judge, you can judge your own contest. Also, the founders of the EAAPS can fill in for a role if needed. For example, if there are no editors but are tons of writers, then the EAAPS founders can be the editors. 

You are also allowed to switch your role. You just need to fill out the entry form (on the chapter: Let's join the EAAPS!) again. 

Continue reading if you want the learn about the rules of The Earth and Animal Protection Society and if you want to join the society. 

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Our logo:

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Our book logo (a logo that we put on all of our books): 

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