Ch.77 Yellow Catfish Tofu Soup

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Chapter 77: Yellow Catfish Tofu Soup

Tang Shuang broke open the belly of a plump yellow catfish with one clean cut of his knife. In a moment, Lin ShuYi needed a soft fish with few bones, like this yellow catfish, to make fish soup.

The fish was fresh and lively, jumping around, but it still couldn't resist the swift blade in Tang Shuang's hand falling upon it. It was unreasonable, but Tang Shuang kind of wanted to be a chef. Cutting through a live fish seemed a bit cruel, but thinking of the delicious soup Lin ShuYi was going to cook these fish into, Tang Shuang could be a little more cruel.

After cleaning all the fish and washing them, Tang Shuang plopped them all into a bucket and prepared to go back into the kitchen.

When Tang Shuang left the kitchen just a moment ago, Lin ShuYi was still in middle of preparing a salt chicken, with the salt already rubbed on the chicken. By the time Tang Shuang returned, it should be about ready to be baked in an earthenware pot. However, as soon as Tang Shuang approached the door, he spotted Shen Fu walking out with both hands hooked in his pockets.

"Eh? Shen ge, when did you arrive?" This was way too stealthy, right? Tang Shuang was in the yard right outside the kitchen the entire time, yet he didn't hear a single noise.

Shen Fu licked his lips, the corners of his mouth hooked up in a smug grin. He seemed to be in an extremely good mood. "Just got back."

Tang Shuang nodded, reasoning to himself that he must have just been too distracted to pay attention to any sounds. Raising the bucket in his hands, he motioned toward the door. "Xiao Yi ge is waiting for the fish, so I should head in."

"Sure. I'm headed out to do some shopping anyway."

Sidestepping Shen Fu, Tang Shuang headed into the kitchen, but couldn't help feeling that something seemed off about Shen Fu, he just couldn't pinpoint what. Well, if he couldn't think it through, then might as well as put it away and move on.

With his back towards the entrance, Lin ShuYi seemed flustered as he slightly clumsily flipped the chicken over. Tang Shuang rarely saw Lin ShuYi lose his calm demeanor, and thought it was a bit funny and strange. "Do you need my help?"

"No need." Lin ShuYi didn't turn around, and his voice was hoarse as he replied. He flipped the chicken back around.

"The fish are cleaned then, if you want to take a look, Xiao Yi ge."

Tang Shuang was very skilled with the knife, so the fish weren't only clean but neat and tidy too. After the busy day yesterday, Tang Shuang was left utterly in awe of Lin ShuYi's exceptional culinary skills, so this time he was hoping he might surprise Lin ShuYi with his skills and maybe even earn some praise. When he carried the basin over, however, all he received was a quick glance and confirmatory "mn," before Lin ShuYi turned back to the chicken.

Tang Shuang felt that the passing glance he could let go of, but not even a single positive response? He was a bit unhappy.

But Lin ShuYi was busy, so Tang Shuang didn't want to bother him any further. Leaving the fish on a nearby table, Tang Shuang turned and left to find some other chores he could do.

Only then, as Tang Shuang's footsteps faded, did Lin ShuYi turn around. Lips red and swollen, anyone with a discerning eye could tell exactly what happened with one glance. Shen Fu didn't help with the prep work one bit, but he certainly had himself a good meal.

Poor Lin ShuYi was only distracted for a moment, which unfortunately gave Shen Fu the perfect opening to swoop in and leave Lin ShuYi's mind a muddled mess, thoroughly kissed with a hand pressed against the nape of his neck. By the time Lin ShuYi managed to react and push Shen Fu away, his lips were already a rosy red.

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