Remember (Rewritten)

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Our First Time

Chapter 1: Remember (Rewritten)

It's odd isn't it? Falling in love. Well I do it frequently. And this time... I didn't fall in love so fast and I regret it. Big time. And this time just feels like a bad, but good and risky, idea but I don't know why.

"Are you ready?" My bestfriend, Jisenta, asked me. I smile at her and nod my head with excitement. I was taking a trip to the beautiful Puerto Rico and I was so giddy!

I've always wanted to go there but never had the time or money. With working 3 jobs and occasionally singing and playing my violin in the subways of New York, I could now afford it.

Now, I was still at home, packing a few extra things before heading to the airport. "Am I missing anything?" I asked as I scurried around my room, looking back and forth from the bathroom and my closet.

"Yes, yes, now, lets get you going so you don't miss the flight!" She said as she quickly zipped my suitcase, swung my Nike knapsack over her shoulder and left the room, heading outside. I followed suite, laughing to myself.

We made it to the airport in record time: 45 minutes, and Jisenta was crying. "I'm going to miss you! Make sure to send and take pictures and call me everyday!" She said as she hugged me, staining my bare shoulder with her mascara.

"I'll be fine. Now let me go before I miss my flight." Jisenta obliged and whipped her eyes and I walked away with my belongings.

I dropped my suite case off at baggage drop off and made my way to security.

40. I've been standing in this long as the Nile river line for 40 minutes! I was slowly, very slowly, losing my patients. I scanned ahead to see how far I've gotten and was pleased to see that I was three people away. Thank the Greek gods!

I graded one of those bins where you put your things in so they can scan them, placed my knapsack, shoes, jewelry, and phone inside, and waited.

"Can you pass one of the bins, please?" Someone asked my from behind. I reached for the gray, plastic bin and turned to give it to the man that politely asked.

And my god, he was gorgeous. His skin the perfect shad of caramel, his eyes a shade lighter than dark chocolate, dimples as deep as the lightest creator on the moon as he smiled down at me, teeth white and straight. It was like he was a god himself.

As he looked at me, the look he gives me, seems like he knows me. "Thank you." He chocked out, looking nervous. I nodded my head and turned back to see that it was my turn to walk through the metal detector.

Once I was done, I put the things I took off back on and get my bag.

Just as I was beginning to walk away, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked back to see the guy that asked me for the bin.

Smiling at him, I asked him what he needed. "You don't remember me?" He said it so low, I don't think I was mean to hear it.

"Am I supposed to know you?" I replied back and he looked at me. A few minutes passed before a smile began to grow on his handsome face.

"The names Bruno Mars." He said cautiously. I looked at him with an expression that asked if I was supposed to know or recognize the name. I smiled anyway and said, "Sam Carter."

"I know." He mumbled.

This made me confused even more and my head started to hurt. "Am I meant to know you? I've never met you before Bruno? Have we?" I fired off questions. He just kept smiling and said it was complicated.

"Not to be nosy," he said, "but where are you headed?" I debated on whether to tell him or not. I did like meeting new people.

"Um, Puerto Rico." I said as I started to walk away. Bruno followed behind.

"Really? Same here." He said. I turned to look at him to see he had a careful smile on his face. I smile back and nodded, thinking of how awkward this is.

Bruno and I made it to the gate we were supposed to be at. The flight wasn't boarding for another 30 minutes so me and Bruno just talked.

"What's your profession?" He asked me as he sipped on his lemonade. He'd been asking me a lot of personal questions that I couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the answers to.

I answered anyway. "I'm a mythology teacher, professional chef, and professional violinist." I said with pride. I worked really hard for these jobs and I love them.

"You do all of this on a daily basis?" He asked, sounding shocked for once. I nodded again and giggled at his expression.

There was something I liked about Bruno, but I had a bad gut feeling.

-Bruno's POV-

I can't believe I'm doing this. I haven't seen Sam I such a long time. Guilt overwhelmed me when I saw her again. I was breaking my promise when I spoke to her and to be honest, I didn't feel bad.

I just wished she would remember me.

As we talked and waited for our flight to be called and boarded, I couldn't help but feel lighter than I had in years but I still felt bad.

She was too sweet and innocent looking, it wasn't fair to her. But damn, she was more beautiful than I remember. Her dreads were longer, skin still smooth and kissable, lips more delectable.

Screw the promise. She still doesn't remember anything, that means I have a fresh start with her right?

Finally, our plane started to board. Luckily for me, we had seats in the same row, just the two of us and not a third.

Sam and I talked some more until she started to get tired and wanted to sleep. I let her, and god was she beautiful while she slept.

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