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"Uh, whose is that?"

Adam glanced up at Eva who was standing on the stairs, hip perched on the handrail, her facade marred with just a glint of panic.

"The motorbike? Oh, it's mine." He answered, trying to match the nonchalant front she was trying to put up. "I leave it at a friend's ranch whenever I'm going out of Wyoming. I had it delivered to me early this morning."

"Oh, so you can keep it here with you while you're in Wyoming?" She asked, hope lighting her eyes.

"No so we can take it out on today's adventure."

Her facade cracked into a full-blown incredulous look. "You must be crazy. I'm not getting on that bike."

"Why?" He lifted his brows.

"Why???" She parroted in a horrified voice. "Do you know that the risk of dying from riding a motorcycle is 37 times more than from driving a car? I mean, I once saw a motorcycle collide with a car. The car driver only had a few scratches. The motorcyclist died on the spot."

"I see." He intoned with a blasé expression.

She stepped down the stairs and walked up to where he was standing beside his Harley Davidson. "I'm being serious. I think you are insane if you expect me to ride on this thing.".

"And I think you need to give yourself a break and step away from that pessimistic mindset." He mused, ignoring her when she grimaced at him.

"Besides, where has all that spunk you woke up with this morning traveled to? I'd go and bring it back to wipe out your fear."

Aware she was a woman who could never resist a taunt, he knew his last sentence would get her. And it did.

Taking a step back away from him, she jammed her hands on her jean-clad hips. "Who said I was afraid?"

"You're not?" He let a mocking smile stretch his lips. "What are we waiting for then? Let's go."

"Isn't the road covered with too much snow?"

"I've had a little path cleared up to the points that the snowplows have done."

Not wanting her to back out, he swung his leg and sat on the bike, facing away from her. When after some seconds she still hadn't hopped on, he looked back to find her looking at him skeptically.

"You know what?" Her face lighted up as if she'd twigged something. "I just realized that cars are far more fun than motorcycles. So you ride on this. I'll take my car."

With that, she turned to scurry off, but Adam caught hold of her elbow before she could take three steps. She seemed tense, and he wondered whether it was from his touch or her fear of motorbikes. He hoped it was the former.

Slowly, he managed to get her hesitant form to face him again. "Hey, do you think I'll let anything happen to you?"

Striking amber eyes gazed back at him, turned away as their owner swallowed, then returned to him. This time it was filled with grim determination, her face taking on a fierce look that made her look dangerous and all too sexy.

"Let's do this, baby!"

"That's more like it."

He stabled the motorcycle so she could hop on, then handed her the helmet. The quick way she took it from his had made him smile.

"Wait! You don't have a helmet?" She asked after she'd put it on.

"Don't worry 'bout me, sweetheart. I'm good." He turned the ignition, and he heard her yelp as the machine purred to life. "Now hold on to me."

Adam's EveWhere stories live. Discover now