Niklaus looked at where Henrik is standing, and his face dropped. He said, " Love, he's not here."

  I looked and Henrik wasn't around anywhere. Niklaus, and I split off, and went into different areas of the woods to find Henrik. I couldn't find him anywhere. The moon was now up, and I still couldn't find him.

  I yelled, " Henrik!! Come on!"

     I heard a wolf howl in the distance, great. The wolves are out. I continued through the woods, and I soon found someone screaming. I ran towards the scream, and found Niklaus holding Henrik's body with wolf claws on his chest. Henrik is dead.

   I had tears coming down my cheeks, and sat next to Niklaus. He said, " It's all my fault."

  I put my hand on his back, and rubbed it. I said, " It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've kept more of an eye to him."

    We both cried. Soon there was wolves surrounding us. Niklaus held Henrik's body, and stood up. I stood up with him, and we faced the wolves. I said, " We're surrounded."

  I felt a breath on my hand, and looked it is a wolf. It was sniffing my hand, and it soon howled, and the wolves ran away. Niklaus, and I soon found an empty cave for the night, and stayed with Henrik's body. We cried, and cried all night.
   It was soon daytime, and we headed into the village with Henrik's dead body. Niklaus said, " Mother! Father!"

   He laid Henrik's body on the ground, and sat beside him. Esther and the rest of the Mikaelsons came and cried. Everyone cried.

   Soon, Mikael and Finn buried Henrik's body, and we said some nice things at his grave. We soon headed back to the Mikaelsons home. Esther and Mikael headed to Ayanas home. I stayed with the siblings, and helped them through this tough time. Neighbors had came over with food, and flowers.

   It was nighttime, and the rest of the Mikaelsons went to bed, except Niklaus. We were sitting on a log outside, watching the fire slowly die. I soon said, " You should get some rest."

  He said, " Can you get home on your own?"

  I said, " Yeah."

I kissed Niklaus's cheek, and he went inside. I poured some water over the fire, and it went out. I walked through the woods to my home. I opened the door, and seen Mikael and Esther standing there.

  I said, " Esther, Mikael. I didn't know you were here."

  Mikael said, " We wanted to speak with you."

  I nodded. Esther said, " I took the pleasure of making some tea."

  I took the cup from her, and took a sip. I said, " So, what did you want to talk about?"

   Esther said, " We wanted to thank you for staying with our children, after Henrik's death."

  I finished My tea and said, " It's no trouble."

    Mikael said, " There was also blood in the tea you just drank."

  I said, " What?"

   Esther said, " We need your help. We need you to test something for us, so our children never dies."

   Then Mikael picked up a sword, and started walking towards me. I kept backing up, and then I hit a wall. Mikael soon slid his sword through my heart. The last thing I seen was Mikael's face. Then everything went black.

  Klaus's POV
     I felt a pain in my heart, and I groaned in pain. Elijah came over, and tried to help me. The pain soon passed. Elijah said, " What was that?"

  I said, " Nothing."

  Elijah said, " Niklaus, you never groaned in pain, before."

  I groaned in pain again, and then it soon passed. I said, " Where's that witch?"

  On queue, Gloria walked into the parlor. She said, " What now?"

  I said, " What did you do to me, witch?"

   She said, " I didn't do anything. What's the problem?"

  I said, " I got this pain in my heart, twice. What happened?"

  Gloria said, " Take off your shirt, and lay on the couch."

I took off my shirt, and laid on the couch. Gloria put her hands on my chest, and chanted.

  After a while, she stopped and I got off the couch, and put my shirt back on. She said, " It has to do with your bond with the girl. Something bad happened to her in the past."

  I said, " What the bloody hell do you mean?!"

   She said, " I don't know what exactly happened, but it is bad."

  I snapped the witch's neck, and her dead body fell to the ground. Elijah said, " Niklaus, why did you do that?"

  I said, " It had to be done."

  I walked off, and poured myself a bourbon, and drank it.

Love Throughout Time (Klaroline) Where stories live. Discover now