Chapter Six ↠ Why are you so smart?

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"    Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will go through it's entire life thinking it's stupid.    "

                                                                      -Albert Einstien

I glance at the clock, noticing that we've only got five minutes until class starts and our class room number is in the exact opposite side of the building.

"Hey, friends who have math with me next period, we should probably go." I say, waving to get Stiles and Scott's attention. Both of their heads jerk to the clock, and we all stand to our feet. Scott announces that Roz also has next period with us, but none of the others do.

The four of us walk out of the lunch room, naturally falling into a formation of some sort. Instead of walking in a straight line, Roz and Scott walk in front of Stiles and me. And once Stiles looks at me with those big, brown, doe eyes, butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach. I'm afraid to open my mouth to say something, for they might get loose, flying all over the boy standing next to me.

But of course he tries to make convorsation like a normal person.

"So how long have you been playing cello?" He asks. I swallow, and move my eyes from my black converse, where they had been planted, to Stiles.

"Since I was eight. Then when I was twelve I started playing bass guitar because I wanted to be in a band when I was older." I reply.

"Did that dream ever come true?" He asks.

"Breifly. I started a band about two months before I left Seattle."

"Oh, that sucks."

"It's fine, we never really got to practice since our stuff was in the drummer's garage and it was raining half the time so we couldn't have any chords on the ground. Seattle problems."

"Seattle sound cool. You should take me and Scott to see it sometime."

"Scott and me." I mutter, my eyes turning to focus on the back of my cousin's head.

"What's that?"


We turn the corner and open the door to the classroom. There are already three or four kids inside but for the most part, we get out choice of seats. I pick one next to Stiles, behind Roz and diagnal from Scott.

A steady flow of students coming into the classroom slowly comes to a halt as the bell rings and class begins. The teacher doesn't even mention my name which I'm silently grateful for. I'd rather not draw any more attention to myself. I take out my leather note book burried under various papers and pencils, and open it up to a blank page. I begin to jot down words, anything that comes to mind. And eventually I get so lost with in the poetry that I almost don't realize the teacher saying my name.

"Ms. Mccall!" He says, jolting me out of my daze. I gulp, seeing the stern look on his face. I glance at the board, a complex math problem written in the center and the name Mr. Royal in the corner.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Since you don't seem to need to pay attention to my teachings, why don't you solve this problem?"

I nod my head a bit as I slowly stand from my seat. I push my glasses up further onto the bridge of my nose as I slowly walk up to the classroom. The open door to the cold room taunts me, almost begging my to run. But somehow my feet are frozen on the path they've chosen.

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