....Is Of Your Own Doing....

Începe de la început

Y/N: Jacques de Aldersberg....Eredin Breacc Glas.... Gaunter O' Dimm....Letho of Gulet....

Jiro: What? Y/N snap out of it! what are those names, do you know those all those people?

Kaminari: They sure don't sound from here

Y/N: Sorry I got carried away again; those names....are of people I faced in my world.....Jacques was the commander for the military division of the Flaming Rose, he wanted many things, among them the secrets on how to make a witcher by the book, I killed him....Letho of Gulet the so called Kingslayer pinned the assasination of a monarch on me, he's dead too....O'Dimm was a fucking nightmare to deal with...he is somewhere but not in here I hope, and Eredin...rotting in hell

Jiro: Why? What did he do? To wish well.....such things

Y/N: What didn't he do, I gave a years off my life to stay with them to save someone dear; they enslaved wherever they could....taking people away, torturing them....after a while all that pain...it really stays with you, I got amnesia from it but I slowly started regaining the memory, didn't sleep for a month after remembering everything...

Jiro: Thats....awful dear god

Kaminari: Hey....are you really okay bro?

Y/N: What did I tell you? in my head that's all there is , honest mistake or not it's gonna stay with me forever, only thing to do is keep forward; the world won't stop for you, so you just don't stop moving

Jiro: But there's always a silver lining right? You're now in a better spot with someone that loves you with her heart, with people that appreciate you just as you are

Y/N: That I do, somewhere where I feel welcomed and not somewhat alienated, thanks both of you

Kaminari: For what?

Y/N: For listening, I find it really relieving to have someone to share my thoughts with

Kaminari: Don't mention it bro (smirking) we're friends, and that's what they do after all

Y/N: Very true....I'm going back to sleep, hopefully this chat cleared my head a little bit

Back to the present

Back to the present

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Shigaraki: DIE!!!!

Y/N: OH NO YOU DON'T!!!...

I threw Samum and shoot everything standing on 2 legs, made sure that all of them were caught by one bullet, I felt something crawl on my ankle, Shigaraki was trying to do something with his hand


Y/N: Those bullets were saved for a monster, but it'll do you right to send you to hell fucker

I balanced my feet on his head and let my sword cut his hands right clean...one after the other


The Witcher Hero BNHA x The Witcher Male ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum