Before the runaway

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A/N: This will be a relatively short story of a little Headcannon I found on Pinterest sadly I cannot find the owner but know that this concept wasn't my Idea. I hope you enjoy this really cute headcannon.

7 year old Annabeth Pov:

I wake up to my stepmom screaming "Wake up! Clean the floors and make your brothers breakfast you better be up and going in five minutes you hear me." 

I have twin stepbrothers that my stepmom expects me a seven year old to take care of.

"Yes mam." I say curtly turning around to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. 

After my stepmom leaves the room and closes the door behind her I make my way to my dresser to quickly pick out an outfit so I won't be late for my chores. I pick out a simple pair of denim shorts and gray cotton tee that says some stupid quote about believing in yourself and dreaming.

I have never really believed in those "If you dream it it will come true." gimmicks if you want to achieve your dreams you've got to wake up from your fairytale and make it happen and I have no fairytale to wake up from so I have to do everything I can to succeed.

 I wasn't exactly given the best hand In life. I never met my Mom she left before I could even remember her me and my dad were doing great together until my stepmom who despises me came into the picture also dragging in my troublesome stepbrothers.

I briskly walk from my room the second I finish brushing my hair and putting it into a somewhat decent messy high ponytail.

 I open my door to chaos.

My stepmother is in the bathroom getting ready the sound of the blow-dryer comes from the other side of the door.  In the kitchen the sink is full of dishes that have been there rusting for days, and there are things thrown all about the counter, most items either my stepmom's or my messy brothers.

I rush to the kitchen and start with clearing the countertops so I can start making my brothers breakfast. As I clean the kitchen I find a few noteworthy items; My stepmothers wallet, my brother bottle which I need to fill, and some already prepared baby breakfast with a note for my dad on it saying,

I hope this helps, love Dad xoxo

After I read the note fold it up and put it in my pocket for safe keeping I open up the ready made food and get it ready for my brothers to destroy.

I am thankful I have my dad even if he doesn't give me much attention because of work and my stepmom he always finds small ways to help me and make me smile.

After I finish giving my brothers breakfast I put them down for a nap and I clean the rest of the kitchen, mop the floors, and clean my brothers baby high chairs. 

My brothers are not babies but they are still toddlers and very mess leaving there high chairs in need of a deep clean every time they are used.

After I finish all of my chores and extra cleaning I go to my dads office and tell him i am going to ride to the park.

he says, "Ok honey be safe." and kisses me on the cheek sweetly.

I raced out of the house into the garage, hope onto my bike and ride my way to the park.

7 year old Percy Pov:

This weekend me, my Mom, and smelly Gabe are in Virginia. I wake up to my mom kissing my head softly waking me up.

"Wakie wakie." she bellows

"it's too early to smell smelly Gabe.' I say sarcastically but there is also kind of a hint of complaining in my tone... well a lot of complaining.

But that's not the point today me and mom are going to a really cool park near the hotel we are staying in.

After mom finally gets me up and dressed we make are way down to the breakfast buffet in the lobby of the hotel.

I ask for blue pancake which they don't have!!! (I'm still mad about that) I settle for waffles with blue berries and and blue berry smoothie.

Smelly Gabe just get plain (Not blue) toast and some black coffee. Mom gets the same blue berry waffles as me so we both have some blue in our meal and some coffee.

After we are all finished eating and stuffed with the hotels breakfast Mom brings me to the car (Gabe stays at the hotel!!) and we ride to the park.

Annabeth's Pov: 

As I ride on the sidewalk to the park I think about my plan. For a while now I have dreamed of escaping this hell at home with my horrid stepmother today i am finally going to do it: Leave. 

I have everything planned out. On my way out of the house I packed a survival bag carrying; a weeks worth of clothes, (I didn't bother to take pajamas) A few refillable water bottles, food made up of mainly snacks, a blanket, the book I am currently trying to read, (It's hard because I am dyslexic so it should last a while) And around 300 dollars I stole from my stepmothers wallet that she left on the counter so conveniently.

I also put a pretty heavy jacket around my waist in case I needed it in the cool nights.

I make it to the park locking my bike on a bike rack and putting the key in my shorts' front pocket.

As I walk through the park fence I see a small boy my age getting out of a car accompanied by who I assume is his mother.

The boy has jet black dark shaggy hair with bright sea green piercing eyes that resemble the deepest depths of the ocean. 

I walk over to the swings and start swinging.

I silently watch the boy making sure to not hold my gaze for too long in the fear of eye contact. Despite my efforts the boy spots me his eyes wide and walks over to the swings and starts swinging next to me.

"Hi" The boy says joyfully, "My name is Percy" 

"Hi I'm Annabeth" I say lacking the same enthusiasm  as Percy but not sounding bored either.

"Wanna play?" Percy says with the same excitement as before.

"Sure" I respond. Why not?

I hope off of the swing and lead Percy over to the monkey bars.

Narrators Pov:

Annabeth and Percy then play with each other at that little Virginia playground having no clue what they would end up going through together.

Percy gives Annabeth one of his mothers blue cookies and Annabeth beats Percy in a race and an arm wrestle.

Sally sees the Annabeth is a demigods and secretly hopes that the two of them will meet again when they both get to camp half blood if they do.

As they played little did either of them know the feelings they would later have for each other.

The End.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this headcannon. I like to think that this really did happen and Sally shipped Percabeth from that moment on and when she first saw Annabeth when she was older immediately recognized her as the little girl from the park so many years ago. Have a wonderful day!!:)

Pjo/Hoo One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora