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Ryan's P.O.V

I felt lost in what to tell him, how to comfort him, how to explain. I felt like I never met him or knew anything about him.

I picked up the silent Kellen and carried him home. As I got to the door, Gale quickly opened it and took Kellen from me, taking him to the bathroom to give him a bath. He was probably just thinking that this was one of his stress wettings.

"I...should go.." I said as Gale grabbed my shoulder.

"Stay and take care of him until you can explain your self." he said, letting anger slip in his voice for the first time since I met him.

"...Yes sir." I said, sitting and thinking of what I was doing. I wanted Kellen so bad I forgot to control myself...again.

For the rest of the week, I slept on the couch, thinking of ways to tell him to what happened, until something warm hugged me.

As I looked up I saw Kellen shaking and crying."W-why wouldn't y-you cuddle with m-me?" he cried out as I sighed and pulled him in my lap.

"Kellen babe, shouldn't I keep my distance? Gale and your father's mad with me, and I did something horrible to you remember?" He whined more. I love his childish tendencies.

" It's n-not t-that much" he said as he looked at his lap.

As he ran of and I went to look for him and I realized that's he switched his place with his twin.

"Kellen.....stress again ?" I said as I looked at the dark wet spot staining his pajamas. He nodded and I grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs.

After we got to the top and into the bathroom, he shifted as I turned on the water to the shower. I helped him undress and let him in the shower to wash up. I helped him, then got him another pair of pajamas.

He did everything I said and followed me back to the couch, "I've been thinking...and I think it's time we made up."

I grinned and hugged him,"Really?!" He nodded and I slid a hand up his shirt."Wa-wait!" He said as he tried to move away.

"No, I've been waiting to long" I suddenly smirked and went to take of his pajama pants.

"A-are you insane!" He cried out again, and I moved away, stopping.

"So Malik how's acting?" I asked and the voice changed.

"Wow, you even know the name of your lovers twin brother?"

"Your acting's shite, Kel would never come to me for a stress accident and he would never have sex with me." I said calmly

"Oh really," he said looking at something so I turned to look at it.

Kellen was standing there shaking with wet pajamas and crying.

"Y-you really think that I wouldn't want to?! I-I never asked me or told me why...why are you doing this Ryan?" He yelled as he ran upstairs and I got up.

"I think I'm going to move, I can't hurt him any more." I said to myself quietly before leaving the house.

Malik's P.O.V

I watched him silently and then went after my brother.

"Kellen, it's okay" I said soothingly as I hugged him.

"What did he mean by that? Why does he think that?" He asked me as I rubbed his back in comfort and helped him get redressed.

"I'm pretty sure he'll tell you when he's ready, he must have a meaning to his actions Sunny." I rubbed his hair and kissed his forehead.

"....You saw dad?" He asked me after a while.

"Yup nii-san,"

"Did you meet Gale?"

"Yes nii-san,"

".........You love me and will help Ryan?"

"Of course, my brother."

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