"Kita, Mama won't be coming till after school, so your fine for the day!" Aniki Lev says.

"Alright!" I said, smiling. Then I met my senpais parents too. They were extremely kind and told me embarrassing things about their son.

The team played for a bit and then we went to our classes. People's parents came as well. The school was uncomfortable seeing others watch you doing your work. I think others felt that more than me. School went by and then I went to the court. The team played for a while and then Fukurodani came.

"My baby! Kita! You can show emotions!!!" I heard someone say. I looked behind me and saw my biological mom and dad there. Then I saw Mama behind her trying to get through.

"Mama!" I said. Everyone was confused and surprised. I don't think they saw Mama. I started to run to her and my biological parents put their hands out wide. I dodged them and went to my Mama.

"I am so glad you were able to make it!" I said, hugging her.

"Anything for you, Kita!" She said, kissing my forehead.

"Kita! I am your father and that is your mother!" My biological father says.

"Let me think about that, well you are my biological parents! But mentally this is my Mama.

"I have seen this lady on the streets before! You want to live with a dirty little shit!" My biological Mama asks. This caught everyone at the schools' attention. We just caused huge drama.

"Woah, woah, woah! Talk about yourself! She is way way better than you," I said. Now I am getting angry.

"We have done so much for you and this is what you say to your own parents!" My biological father says, slapping my face.


"Why you piece of-" My Biological dad says, coming to slap my mom. I held his hand.

"Tell me one thing you have done to me other than causing me trouble! TELL ME!" I screamed. Tears started to fill my eyes. They stayed quiet.

"I suffered my whole life! You never let me near my twin brother! You sold me when I was 12 and you don't know how many times I was abused and raped by them. When I came back you kicked me out of the house! I had to work at the age of 13 to stay alive. UNLIKE YOU! MY BROTHERS STRUGGLED FOR ME! WHEN I WAS LITTLE YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME THAT THEY WERE THE ONES WHO WERE THE PARENTS FOR ME! THEY FED ME, BATHED ME, AND EVERYTHING A FREAKING PARENT SHOULD DO! DID YOU DO THAT TO ME, NO! THIS MAMA, ACTUALLY CARED FOR, HELPED ME WHEN I NEEDED IT! DID YOU DO THAT? NO!" I said I think I lost my voice. Tears started to fall fast out of my eyes. 

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU BULLSHIT!" My biological mother said, taking a pocket knife and coming toward my mama. I pushed mama to the ground and the knife went across my left eye and a little bit of my right. 

"ARGH!" I screamed, blood started to run down my face. 

"MOMO!" The team screamed, coming toward me. Aniki Lev and Aguni slapped their parents. 

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Aniki Lev screams. 

"I CAN'T EVEN CALL YOU PARENTS! ALL OF US THOUGHT OF MOVING OUT FOR WHAT YOU DID TO KITA, KITA THOUGHT YOU WOULD FEEL SAD AND TOLD US TO STAY! WE STAYED ONLY FOR HER WORDS! Not anymore! We are moving in with Koushi now," Aniki Aguni says. They walk up to me and gave me a tissue. 

"You don't mind if we also call you our mother, right? If you are perfect for Momo, we know we can trust you," Aniki Lev asks. 

"Be my guest, honey," Ms. Miruchi says.  The bleeding started to stop. 

Love? Emotions? Kuroo x OC x Kenma x Akaashi x Bokuto |Yandere| OC 13+Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu