Burn - Part 6

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"Should I put a disclamer because it contains a bit of gore and torture scene?"

" *smack lips*....Yeah I should."

"You have been warned :) "

- Uusagi

"-d---! ---- u- ---i!"


Taufan was promptly shut by a hand gripping his cheeks. A horse voice cuts through his words.

"I heard you loud and clear..."

The hand squeezed Taufan's cheeks even harder.

"....who are you to call me no brain, you airhead."

A death glare was shot at Taufan.

"Uhh...eu-m sowwi." Taufan garbled.

Hali sighed, releasing his hand from Taufan and used it to massaged his pounding head. Plus with the ringing in his ears from Taufan's scream just added to his frustration.

As the headache slowly diminished, he tried his best to remember what had happened back there.

He recalled using his lightning speed to pushed Solar and Gempa out of the way after noticing some kind of contraption, possibly a bomb installed near the door. Well he did guessed it right after being blasted by that goddam-

Then realization struck him.

"Thorn! Where's Thorn?!" Hali grabbed Taufan by the shoulder but soon regretted as he slumped right back to the ground as quickly as he rised. "Ugh..."

"Slow down. You were very close when the explosion happened. So your body is still in a state of shock." Taufan said.

"Don't try to change the topic, Taufan. Where are the others?! What happened?! Where is he!!?" Hali shouted as he slowly remember, he remember looking straight at the eye of the explosion, cursing himself as his body is still moving forward from the momentum. He had prepared for the worse before suddenly his sight was block by a hastily put woven leaf barrier and.....

"Please.....where is he?" Hali demanded pitifully.

Taufan heart ache at the sight of how pitiful Hali was. Rarely have anyone seen Hali like this, as he prefer to act all distant and being a loner. Though, him and Gempa were the only exceptions, so they always help Hali to interact with the others more.

Taufan let out a sigh as he resigned. "Let me help you get up first."

With the help of Taufan, Hali could finally stand up and see his surrounding more clearly.

The first thing he saw was the state of the room. As most of the equipment and walls in the room were entirely destroyed, charred beyond recognition, some was still on fire but not to big to be of concern, broken ceiling, sparks from loose wires, boulders and metals were everywhere. He couldn't believe that the room was once a meeting room, now it looks like a mess, no, disaster was a more fitting word to potrait the scene that he was looking at.

However, he was atleast thankful for the fact that the air was breathable due to Taufan's power as he masterfully circulates the air, pushing the dust and smoke out of the room. Allowing them to breath more comfortably.

The second was the bomb. Why was it there? Who placed it? What is their intention? The power and the damage that it caused, it was meant to kill. Not just one but everyone in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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