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Hazel couldn't remember how she got here. The woods were scaring her. Every shadow seemed dangerous and every sound sounded like was something waiting to attack her. Perhaps she was just paranoid, since she's already been trough a lot it wasn't suprising for her to be as alert as possible.

After spending so much time in the fields, surrounded by everything but the living, Hazel refused to let her guard down. She wasn't going to that place ever again.

Just 5 minutes ago, Hazel was speaking to an old man who had long white beard, half-moon glasses and was dressed in long emerald robes. He instructed her to run foward and not turn back.

Since she had nothing else to do, Hazel lunged forward but stopped herself; she had one more question. But when she turned around the stranger was already gone. Did she imagine him? Was he even real?

Then she heard it. She knew it was coming, but she didnt want to belive it. Hazel followed the old mans advice and she ran.

She was running for seconds, minutes, hours. Branches scratching her skin, her hair rapidly flying around, caught up in the wind and the cold air going under her shirt, sending her into fits of shivers. She was running miles and miles, feeling like she'd colapse every time she took a breath, but somehow she found the strenght to continue forward.

It's so hard to run in a skirt Hazel thought.

Soon, Hazel reached a clearing im the woods. It was already sunrise. She must've lost them alredy. Surley they wouldn't go after her all this way. But Hazel had no time to think, she just collapsed on the rosy ground beneath her.
The boy had dark hair.

Hazel couldn't figure of where she'd seen him before. He looked vaguley familliar, like a distant memory. She knew him, she was certain of it. He was about 11, pacing around the room he was in, like he had no idea what to do.

"What is happening to me?" He asked himself "Why the Hell is this happening to me!?"

He sat down on the bed frustrated, stomping his foot. Then, he suddenly frose and looked straight at Hazel.

He had green eyes like the sea.

Hazel was too stunned to move, the boy seemed to sense her presence, somehow. Just as he was about to reach out his hand to see if he was alone, someone nocked on his door and Hazel awoke.

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