🇭 🇪 🇱 🇱 ▼ Denki Kaminari x Reader

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Another very interesting request came my way! I promise to keep getting one shots out!

This is a lemon so mature content as you all know. Another female reader.

Requested by deliverygodyato-

Anime is My hero Academia streaming on crunchyroll and more!


He was dumb and you were dumb, perfect duo.

So why not get together?

Denki was smart for the things that weren't needed, school was out of the question.

Meanwhile you were smart enough for the small understandings of school, and not the random things like Denki.

Still you both were really great together, the fact that you were Kirishimas sister was out of the question many times before.

Your brother didn't care, it's just that Denki was an idiot but they mixed well together.

Well in his opinion, to your other friends both of you were just as annoying as the other.

You drove everyone crazy almost like you had ADHD, and Eijiro didn't know how he felt with you for those years of being siblings.

It was tough especially when you always brought Denki to the house, it would be non stop headaches for the red haired male.

It wasn't his fault, in fact it was Bakugou's fault.

He was the one that pushed you and made you fall on top of Denki at lunch about eight months ago.

"Eijiro can I borrow a pencil?" You whispered to your brother as a test was in session.

You could see the annoyance on his face. "You have one in your hand." He but his tongue back from yelling, though sweet he was sour to you.

"Yeah but this one has my bite marks and I need a fresh one. Please?" You asked him with a pleading gaze.

Eijiro sighed. "No I have no more." He smiled at you and some of your classmates snorted.

"Ah rude. Todoroki can I borrow one?" You say in front of him and easily faced back to the cold boy who was already done.

He just nodded and gave you a black pencil. "Keep it I don't want bite marks." He stated and quickly didn't want to interact with you.

"Yes!" You landed yourself another pencil from a classmate. You never bought pencils yourself because you didn't want to, it was simple really.

You would ask your boyfriend for some of his pencils, but you didn't trust him for writing materials.

He forgot to bring his backpack one day and stayed outside the door until his mother brought it into the school.

It gave you a chance to be invited over for dinner, which was also pinpointed for today.

"Y/n can you shut the fuck up?" Bakugou was still taking his test and was crusted just hearing your annoying voice continuously talking to random people.

You glared at him. "It's not my fault your slow, you should be blessed being able to hear my voice you're welcome troll." You gave him a bow gesture though sitting in your seat.

It was a good thing that Mr. Aizawa was fast asleep in his banana like sleeping bag, seriously this man had no fashion taste to you.

He had put a timer on for the amount of time you had on your test. So far the only things you've completed up until now on your paper was spelling your name.

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