💥🤍Y/n x bakuhoe🧡💥p4

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(Next morning)

You woke up and you were cuddling whit bakugou and you look at him and he was sleeping . You were looking for your phone and then found it and it was 07:54 and you stood up and got your uniform out.

~bakugous pov~
I woke up of movement and notice that y/n was takeing her uniform fast out „hey teddybear you know that we have no school today" she said „we have school you idiot get up we have 3 min" you „ no dummass we dont bc today is a holiday. y/n: ohh your right i forgot" she put her uniform back in the closed and jumpt on the bed and cuddeld whit me we both fell asleep again.

~y/ns pov~

You woke up again and saw bakugou on the phone and you said"good morning katsu „and gave him a kiss on the cheek and took your phone and scrolld thro tik tok and then you check your tik toks and bakugou lookt over to see you dancing and he bit his lips but you dident even notcied that he was looking and then he said „whats your name on tik tok „you blushd in emberessment and lookt at him and he smirkt witch made you more blush but you sended your tt account to him. After mina texted you

~in text with mina~

Hi y/n can you hang out after maybe💅👀

Sure when kinda
You can chose😁
Ok how about 15:35?🙃
Sure ok see you then bye ly🥰🔥
Ok bye ly too bitch❤️

Mean while you were geting up and put some leggins and a oversiesd shirt on and bakugou was staring at you while changing
*you can change it if you want to bc i just rite an example and you can change other stuf to if you dont like it or dont want it 😁 ok back to the story*

~bakugous pov~

Thinking* gadd dammn shawwty why is she so sexy (i hate the word sexy am i the only one whit that) shes so perfect * i stood up and hugd her from behind and asks why are you makeing your self ready this earlie. Y/n: too make some breakfast for all of us in the dorms bc sero and sato allways do it and i sayd i do it than they have a littel break ( ). Y/n your to kind some times but i love it but i like your adittude more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Y/n chukeld and gave me a littel kiss and made her hair fast in to a messy bun ( you can choose bc of the hair type and all so yeah).

~y/n's pov~

I got my phone and said bye to bakugou and haded down stairs and you did pancakes after 3 min bakugou came down and helpt you. You made two littel ones to try you aet one and the other one you gave to bakugou „try it" he aet it and was shook bc they were better than his and then he frekt out and you were confiused and after he swallowd it he said: how are your pancakes so fucking good man they are mutch better than mine like how do you do it. you were laughing at his reation and then said thak you for the compliment but yours are pretty good to. You and bakugou were done in 35mins and then made the plaids ready and every thing then you got to the girls dorms to say that breakfast is ready and bakugou to the guys then every one was at the tabel and mina sat next to you on the right and bakugou at the left and everybody was like they are soo gooodd and the hole class where thinking they are in haven and you were just laughing bc they were standing on the chair and prayd 😇🙏🙌😂 and you and katsu look at eatchother at the same time and you both laught and then denki and mina were like: or queen i forgive from doing some stupid things and all that.

( time skip)
After break fast you were in the commen room and puted your headphones on and lisent to music and then you stood up to get a drink and the whole bakusquad was there plus jiro and momo and then song that you like came and when you got the drink you startet to sing but you didnt noticed every one was looking at you bc you had a realy realy realy realy realy pretty voice and you were confiused so took your headphone off and said : what is it. jiro imadentli ran up to you and said : YOU CAN SING BUT I DONT KNOW ABOUT IT. You  you never asked and how do you know i can sing. Jiro and mina : YOU WERE SINGING RIGHT NOW. Ohh really thats is embaresing Jiro:What that was the prettiest voice i heard in my entier life. Aww thank you girls momo was shook and of how good that was and ayoyama came then downstairs and you sing . She asked you again bc momo wanted to hear you singing and he fainted of your voice while bakugou coudent move of how good that was and then you guys helpded ayoyama and he then took a bottel of water and went up stairs to his room and he was then drinking the cold water to relax and he did so then he did his buissnes.

The end see you guys in part5 ( ^ω^ )
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

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