"Look..." I tried once more.

"Her parents are being so supportive. I mean I've always loved her family, but what they are doing for me now is just over and beyond."

"That's great." I stiffened as she started tracing the markings on my forearm. I doubted she even realized she was doing it, but it sent chills down my spine. I wanted more than anything to relax into her touch. But I couldn't.

"Yeah. They're setting me up in their guest house." She squeezed my arm in excitement. "And her father's going to set me up with an oncologist he knows. He thinks they may be able to look into new treatments for me.

"Wouldn't it be great if they could get me off the chemotherapy all together?" Her eyes danced in excitement at the prospect. I couldn't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for her to have those treatments her whole life. To never know what it was like to not feel bad.

"I mean I know my dad is just treating my leukemia how he sees best. But he's kind of old school and determined to not try new therapies." As she spoke the frown line appeared in her forehead. "At least I think he has my best interest in mind. I overhead a conversation..."

I couldn't take it any longer.

Her touch...her scent... the excitement in her voice.

I needed to rip off the band aide. Get this over with before I caved to the temptation of her.

"Amber." The seriousness in my tone finally broke through to her, stopping her mid sentence.

"What's wrong?" She turned on the log so she was facing me fully. Like a coward, I couldn't afford her the same courtesy. Instead I starred out over the water, which was a dark gray today, reflecting the overcast sky and my black mood.

"We need to talk?"

"Right, you mentioned that. What's up?" She placed a hand on my shoulder, a finger playing at a marking that peaked through the collar of my shirt. She still obviously had no clue what I was about to hit her with.

I had to clear my throat several times before words would leave my constricting throat. "News will probably be out about this by the time you get home. But if it's not, it's important that you keep what I tell you quiet until the news hits. Okay?"

I shouldn't be asking this of her. Not with the news I was dropping. But I had no choice. It was for her own safety as well.

"Of course. I won't tell anyone." She promised.

Get this over with Alek.

Finding the strength I looked over at her one last time. I took in her smiling blue eyes and lush mouth, her smooth olive skin over high cheek bones. Brown hair that fell in thick waves to her waist. I took one minute to memorize her just like this.

"There's another Zionian space ship."

I paused for a minute letting her absorb this news.

"Seriously? Where? Are they already here? How many more of you are there?" Questions flew from her lips.

"They came into our orbit just yesterday. We didn't even know there were any other survivors until they made contact with our compound."

"This is great news. Are they coming here? Is the government going to allow it?"

"My father is in negotiations at the moment. But, yes, ideally they will join with us here. But it's a large craft with a lot of Zionians' so they might have to expand the base." I had spent the majority of my day making housing plans. That is between sulking and dreading this conversation.

"This all sounds like good news. Yet, your frowning like someone just killed your puppy. What's wrong?"

Once again I had to turn back to the lake. I didn't have the strength to look into her shining eyes and break this to her.

"There's someone else on the ship. There's this...this girl."

"Okay, so do we not like this girl?" She probed, obviously not understanding where I was going.

I needed to stop stalling. I needed to just spit it out.

"No, I mean, I don't know." I dropped my head into my hands. "I don't even know her."

"I'm really confused her, Alek." I was too. I was so conflicted I couldn't form the words to tell her.

I forced myself to face her. I owed her at least that. "This girl. My parents have reason...I mean they believe...

"She may be my mate."

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