Naruto: Oh give me a break Sakura.

/Then Sakura and Naruto are done putting the large bells back where it was before as Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya take there leave from the shrine then later a bit of time skip, as Sakura and Naruto are at an inn [here's a pic of it and just imagen Sakura being there too]/

/Then Sakura and Naruto are done putting the large bells back where it was before as Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya take there leave from the shrine then later a bit of time skip, as Sakura and Naruto are at an inn [here's a pic of it and just imagen...

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Jiraiya: Hey you two we're going to crash here tonight.

Naruto: What, but why I can still walk.

Sakura: I don't know about you but I sure need a break.

Jiraiya: See don't wear out the little lady here Naruto, you should think of your significant other.

/As Sakura and Naruto when to join with Jiraiya/

Naruto: Oh alright but I better learn some jutsu okay.

Jiraiya: Yeah I know that already.

/As Jiraiya noticed someone as he looks and so does Naruto followed along with Sakura as they see a women walking in front of the inn where Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya will stay at as she looks there way as Sakura see both Naruto and Jiraiya who are looking at the woman but Sakura was more shocked that Naruto is well perving upon the older woman [here's a pic of the woman]/

/As Jiraiya noticed someone as he looks and so does Naruto followed along with Sakura as they see a women walking in front of the inn where Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya will stay at as she looks there way as Sakura see both Naruto and Jiraiya who a...

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/As Jiraiya gives Naruto the home room key and speaks with him while Sakura is getting angry as it's a slowly builds to Sakura's jealousy and she glares at Naruto as Jiraiya speaks with Naruto/

Jiraiya: Here's the room key, I want you both to go right up the room, train a little, work on your chakra and get to bed, okay hahaha!

Naruto: Wha, oh I suppose you're going to tell me it's time for the grown ups to play now is that's why I'm here you big per-!

/Then Sakura pull on Naruto's ear as Naruto yelled in pain/

Sakura: Like you're any better!

/As Sakura drags Naruto by the ear all the while Naruto is yelling out in pain then later as Sakura and Naruto are in the room alone together then Sakura let's go of Naruto's ear as he rubs it/

Why Am I Sakura?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt