Whose child is this?

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After Beca had rushed out the door to work, I went for my morning run, took a shower and went to work myself. I had several surgeries scheduled for today and was preparing myself for a long day.

First I had to neuter Misses Davis' cat. The procedure took about an hour and went well. Aubrey, co-owner of the vet clinic and my best friend had assisted. I had told her about Beca and me being a couple, but she had never actually met Beca and I wanted to change that.

"Hey, Bree?" I said while I threw away my gloves and washed my hands. "Are you free tonight?"

"I think so... but let me check when we're out of here. Why?" Aubrey answered while already walking to the door after she finished washing her hands.

"I want you to meet Beca."

"Okay, what do you want to do? Anything planned yet?" Aubrey and I were leaving the operating room while talking.

"No, nothing planned. I thought you could just come over to my place at 7. We could have dinner together, so you two can get to know each other." I shrugged.

"Works for me." She said on her way to the waiting room to call for the next patient.

A few hours later, I had just finished another surgery when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was an unknown caller, but I still took the call.

"Hello, this is Chloe Beale."

"Hello Miss Beale. This is officer Luke Henson. We found a little girl wandering the streets alone. She was wearing a bracelet with your number on it. Her name is Lucy." I didn't recognize the voice, but I knew I had heard his name before.

"Oh my god, is she okay?" I tried not to freak out.

"Yes. She's okay, but someone has to pick her up from the station becau-" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I'm on my way. I just need the address."

He told me the address and that was when it hit me. I had been talking to Beca's colleague and best friend.

"Bree! Bree, where are you?" I shouted through the halls of the clinic.

"In here." I heard through a closed door. I stormed in and Aubrey gave me a stern look. I know she hated it when she was interrupted during an appointment.

"Bree, can I talk to you outside for a second?" I said fidgety. We walked out into the hall and Aubrey closed the door behind her.

"What is it? You know I hate being interrupted." She sounded angry.

"Bree, the police found Lucy wandering the streets alone. I have to pick her up. I need to go." My voice was full of fear.

"Oh my god, Chloe. Of course. Go!" Aubrey's tone changed from angry to worried.

"Thanks." I shouted while already running through the front door, on my way to the station.

The station wasn't far away, but since I didn't have a car and wanted to get there as fast as I could, I took a cab. I arrived at the station ten minutes later and barged through the front door, worried sick about Lucy. I found Lucy sitting on one of the chairs behind the counter, Luke kneeling beside her, playing with her little bunny toy.

"Thanks for calling me, Luke. Oh, uh, I'm sorry. Is it okay if I call you Luke?" I said while he got up and came over to the counter.

"Of course. Yeah, just call me Luke. By the way, nice to finally meet you." He was holding out his hand for me to shake.

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