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•averys pov•

i got home, i shut the door and i cried as i slid down the door, i love payton so much, i was so rude to him today, i unlocked my phone and i messaged payton;

payton moormeier
a| i still love you.
p| i still love you, i love you more.
a| :)
p| wanna come over, bring ashe
a| hm i'll see.

i smiled at my phone,i put it awake and wiped my eyes.

(time skip)
i pulled up to my old house, i got out of the car and then i picked up ashe, i walked up to the front door and knocked.
p| hey
he said while opening the door
a| hi.. wheres your girlfriend
p| i broke up with her
a| cool.
p| heyyy buddy
he picked ashe up, ashe licked his face and i smiled.
p| he's adorable.
a| tell me about it
p| it's so late
i yawned
p| are you tired
he pushed my hair behind my ears.
a| mhm.
he picked me up and took me upstairs.
p|do you need some cloths?
a| yeah
he handed me a hoodie and some shorts.
a| thanks
p| no worries
a| i'm tireddd put them on meee
p| okay
he chuckled and got me changed
p| your perfect
a| thanks.
he got in bed and i put my head on his chest, he cuddled me and it felt warm and perfect.
p| avy
a| mhm
p| i love you, goodnight
a| i love you too, sweet dreams.
he kissed my head and we fell asleep, he was soft and delicate, he touched me gently and he spoke to me in a normal soft tone, it warmed my heart but unfortunately it doesn't take back anything he did.

(time skip,the next morning)
i woke up to arms around me, i haven't felt this feeling in a long time and i love it.
a| morningg
i looked up at payton who was looking at me
p| morning beautiful.
i smiled
p| can we talk
a| sure
p| i'm so sorry about everything
his eyes started to water, i knew he was telling the truth, he doesn't know how to fake cry so i know it's all real
a| come here
i hugged him
p| avy
a| yeah
p| do you forgive me
a| y yeah
p| a and i'm scared
a| what are you scared of?
i cupped his cheeks
p| jaden
a| oh jaden won't do shit
p| he will he said he'll make my life a living hell
a| i mean let him try, you have me
i smiled, i felt something on my lips and it was payt kissing me, i kissed back and once we pulled away i said;
a| i love you
p| i love you more and i'm so sorry
a| i forgave you
p| yeah i forgot sorry
i kissed his head, ashe jumped onto the bed and laid down, i rubbed his back and i kissed his paw
p| your sho cute
he looked at me
a| who?
p| both of you.
i smiled
a| payt
p| yeah
a| i don't fully forgive you
p| oh
a| but i'll let you redeem yourself
p| okay
i smiled at him and he looked down
a| heyy whats wrong
p| you said you forgave me
a| i said i forgave you but i didn't say how much
p| oh
a| payton you hurt me so much and i'm not going to say i forgive you and jump into a relationship for it to happen all over again, so please just try and be better this time
p| okayy..
i put my head back on his chest and he played with my hair.

(time skip)
i just got out of the shower and payt said;
p| should we move your things back in?
a| um i'm not sure because maybe this won't work out
p| oh trust me it will, from now on your the only thing i care about oh and ashe. 
i smiled
a| i mean i hope that's true
p| it is
he touched my cheek.
a| okay
i smiled and he said;
p| tell me when you want to move your stuff in, i'll do it when you want to
a| okay
i kissed his cheek.
p| i'm going out, i'll be back
a| don't be long please
p| i won't don't worry
he kissed my forehead and left

i was making pasta when the door opened and payton said;
i giggled
a| i'm in the kitchen!
payton walked in with messy hair
a| payton, where did you go..
p| i was running that's why my hairs like this i promise.
a| okayy
p| hold on
he walked out of the room and walked back in with a big box.
p| so i got these for you
a| payttt you didn't have to
p| you don't even know what's in here
a| but you didn't have to
p| just open it beautiful
i smiled and opened the box.
a| payton!
p| whatt
he smiled
a| you got me this?
i said in a cute voice
p| yeah i did
a| aww
i put my arms around his shoulders and i kissed him, i pulled away and said;
a| oh my god! i forgot!
p| it's okay
he giggled, i took the chocolates and the flowers out of the box.
a| please may i ask y the flowers were in the box?
i laughed
p| because if i held it you'd know i had something planned
a| okay a for effort
p| a for avery
a| p for payton
i smiled at him and i looked inside the box and there were more stuff.
a| there's more?
p| yeahhh
i picked up the box at the bottom and it was a pandora box.
a| payttt come on you know i don't like it when you buy me things like this
p| oh if it's for you i'd buy it like it doesn't have a price tag
a| so you'd steal it?
i gave him a confused look
p| of course not, i'd pick it up and buy it in seconds if it's for you.
a| aww that's cute.
p| okay open it
i opened it and there was two heart shaped necklaces
p| and the last thing

a/n| cliff hanger i see..

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