Chapter 2

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The class everyone had really been not looking forward to was Potions . The trio were on their way to class, their robes were neat and clean. Everyone would look at them, they emitted cunningness and somehow danger.

People have claimed that The House of Slytherin "There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin. You-Know-Who was one."

Evangeline rolled her eyes at their stupid remarks and entered the classroom with her head held up high. She took a seat and opened her book.

Doors slammed shut as Professor Snape made a dramatic entrance. His black robe elegantly swift with his stance. Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort.

With that, the class started. Daniel was taking notes carefully as Felix focused on highlighting his book. Soon, professor Snape inquired them to get their stationery ready and to pick a cauldron.

Their task was to create the perfect potion called The Draught Of The Dead. The potion itself is lethal and very difficult to achieve. It required extremely precise measurements. Failed to do so, it will turn horribly- or worst toxic.

Time passed as the students gave their best to perform. It was their last year in Hogwarts, they ought to do their best for graduation!

Felix slammed his spatula down and muttered a curse under his breath. Meanwhile Daniel stared at his cauldron, the potion he made was boiling red. The instructions itself said , the potion is black and should be simmered. A drop of a petal should cramp it and turn it to smoke.

Snape was doing turns in analyzing the student's work. His face was stern and grim. He approached a student and glanced at his remedy.

" Ten points from Gryffindor." He stated and walked away.

Meanwhile Evangeline, added the last ingredient which was powdered root of asphodel. She gave it a clockwise whisk and turned off the fire beneath her cauldron. She raised her book and rechecked everything then closed it shut.

" Professor." She raised her hand.

" Very well, Miss Pentel. You did a good job. Five point gifted to Slytherin." He walked away.

" No way!!" Felix claimed who was near her. She looked at him and snuck her tongue out.

" You may leave , Miss Pentel." Snape spoke as he nodded. Evangeline packed her stuff and went to the main library. She glanced outside from her desk then sighed.

Her fingers trailed against thick books. She placed a finger on her lips and contemplated on a certain book. She took it and examined it before leaving.

On her way, she passed through the fountain. She looked at her thick book and dusted it off before switching it to her other arm.

Evangeline made her way to the Great hall as it was time for the mails. Students then settled in and waited. When about a hundred owls had suddenly streamed into the Great Hall, circling the tables until they saw their owners, and dropping letters and packages onto their laps.

Evangeline didn't get any anyways. She opened her book as she waved her hand. A cup of tea appeared in front of her along with pastries. She was about to hold the cup but stopped in her place. The title of the book amused her. She read the first paragraph and she most certainly liked it. Eva sipped on her tea as she continued reading.

" Ev!!" Daniel yelled from across the Hall. Almost everybody looked at them in interest.

" Yo Ev! How's it going?" He sat across her and shoved her pastry in his mouth.

" It was going well until you showed up." She raised her brow at his behavior.

" C'mon Ev. I know you love me." He smiled and took another piece.

" I love you too." He choked on his food and slapped his chest.

" You- Hey children!" Felix sat next to Evangeline. Daniel saluted as Eva muttered a low hey.

" What are you reading?" Felix spoke as he waved his hand for some snacks.

" A novel by Tolkien. I think I like it." She handed the book to him.

" Looks thick and boring." He shrugged as he flipped through pages.

" It wasn't in the kids section for you to enjoy it." She grabbed a chocolate frog.

" Right. You know that I like it small. Books that are big are a no no." He munched on his licorice wand.

" Are we going to ignore me now?" Daniel huffed and crossed his arms.

" How was your day?" Felix asked Eva.

" It was alright, though I have somewhere to go once classes end. Want to join?" She looked him with a certain glint in her eyes.

" Absolutely. I'll be in our common room."

" HEY!!" He earned the attention of few students nearby.

" I'M HERE YOU KNOW!" He snapped.

" Oh we know." Ev sighed.

" I should be going. I need to see Helen." She stood up. Felix nodded and Daniel was about to say something until someone ran towards them.

" Hey Evangeline. Nice to see you again." A brunette girl smiled and hugged for a split second. " It's great to see you as well Helen."

" Right, I actually brought someone with me. See this first year student wanted to have a word with you but... he was scared of you." Helen whispered in her ear.

" Where is he then?" She spoke as the boy who was behind Helen moved forward. She remember his name.

" Edgar Trancy." She nodded.

" H-Hello!" His eyes were wide as saucers. He was fidgety.

" How may I be of help to you?" She crossed her arms.

" I-I came to return y-your bracelet. I believe it f-fell off." He took something shiny from his pocket and showed it to her. Evangeline looked at her wrist and sighed.

"Thank you." She smiled a bit as he handed it. He smiled and was about to leave.

" I'm Evangeline Pentel. If you need anything, don't hesitate." Edgar nodded and thanked her.

Helen eventually locked arms with Eva and dragged her away.


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