"Oh! I forgot to inform you I invited the twins, didn't I?" 

"Janus and Patton are here?" Remus harshly whispered, clearly tense about it all, only Roman didn't even react far too focused on the knife

"Janus is working on dinner because I can't cook. While Patton and his boyfriend Logan are-..."

"LOGAN'S HERE?!" That got Roman's attention however who glanced up with a frown noticing how upset Remus was. Thomas just blinked before nodding. "DAD! He doesn't know-..."

"Actually, Logan seemed quite informed about everything and came asking plenty of questions on how we would accommodate uh... Ro?" Remus was honestly completely stunned as he just collapsed back into his chair with a silent scoff. "Turns out Logan is actually fairly knowledgeable about it all. He's just not as open about his ties to the occult as the rest of your group apparently is."

"Wait? Logan's occult?" Thomas laughed as Virgil just sat there confused right along with Roman who's eyes were darting about the whole table.

"Oh, yes. He comes from a very long line of gypsies." The air went completely silent as Virgil and Remus both shared this look of hope and shock. 

"You don't think."

"No..." Remus mumbled cutting Virgil off before just crashing more. "Can it?"

"Even if it isn't... would he still know?" Virgil's voice barely came to sound as the two spoke as if Thomas and Roman weren't right there.

"It's worth a shot. This is the closet any of us ever actually got!" Remus blinked as he tried to work through everything. "How did we not know?"

"Not know what?" Remus just waved his father off as he took a deep breath tried to relax a bit.

"So... Logan's comes from gypsy lineage... and he's here? What exactly is he doing?" Remus started only to freeze up at the horrifyingly realistic heart that was placed before Roman. Logan just smirked seeing everyone's shocked expression before looking down to see how completely entranced the demon was.

"I was doing this." Roman jumped finally looking up to see Logan who nodded to him before taking his own seat next to Roman. "Patton had mentioned the pancakes he and Thomas planned on making for Roman tomorrow so I thought that that along with the raw stake was proof enough on what Roman would need to 'eat'. So with Patton's help, we made that."

"It looks so real. I mean... These over here are just a tad discolored they aren't THAT blue but still." It was honestly shocking to see how no one batted an eye on the fact that Logan was just corrected on what a human heart looked like but still. Roman took the knife in his hand and instantly jerked to stab it only to freeze up and glance over at Virgil. One of the commands Virgil had given Roman just to make sure that everyone, including the demon, were their safest. "Ignis?"

"Go ahead, Ro. It was made for you after all." Roman beamed before deciding against just stabbing it and moving to make a careful insition down the center of it, only to completely bliss out on all the velvety red heaven to drizzle out of the cut. 

"I decorated it all and helped with the measurements but... The actual baking was all him so... You can thank him for that raspberry blood filling." Roman glanced up at everyone before dabbing his finger into the 'blood', sucking on it with this lost look in his flushed eyes. 

"It's so sweet." Roman giggled psychotically before just continuing to cut into the cake just to watch the 'blood' ooze out. Virgil literally mouthed a 'thank you' to Logan who just nodded with a smile. Eventually Roman started to properly eat it but by that point, it was shredded to pieces. No one seemed to care as long as Roman was happy and that his urges were staved just a little bit. It wasn't that much longer after that that diner was done and soon everyone's food was plated. Once again Roman was in awe over just what everyone would do for him as his steak came out completely raw with the outside only slightly cooked to make it seem fresh as they could make it. It wasn't like they had to worry about him getting sick... he was a demon. 

"So..." Remus choked on his words as the room fell to silence... well almost silence. Roman was stabbing at his stake with this awed look in his eyes but they basically tuned that out. "Logan... Thomas may have mentioned that um..."

"He said you came from a line of gypsies." Virgil finished only for a loud bang to sound, making everyone look at Roman who just froze up with his knife standing straight up in his steak.

"Sorry." Roman frowned as he quickly pulled the knife out turning to eating it all as quietly as he could making Virgil sigh softly at him. Logan just rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his water to wash down his food before speaking.

"Yes. I am. Although technically speaking Gypsy isn't the correct terminology. My family is Roma but I do not mind the term it is far easier to explain when using it." Logan spoke as if he was giving everyone a lecture on something as tedious as math but then again that was just how Logan was. "I do not understand what is so shocking about it all. Both Janus and Patton made a scene in the kitchen about it."

"It's not because your family are gypsies Logan-..." Patton tried to explain only for Roman to end up cutting him off this time.

"It's because Fiona had a gypsy spell me to give me a soul and now my soul is shattered so they need the original gypsy spell to fix me before I end up actually killing someone." Roman blinked for a second letting the silence fall before just giggling and turning back to his food.

"Yeah..." Remus choked out with an awkward laugh. "Yeah, that's... that's why."

"Oh." Logan frowned as he glanced around at everyone. "Why didn't you just tell me? My great-grandmother has a library filled with our family journals. My line literally spans a thousand years. And we're always adding more spells to our collection..."

"WE DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE ROMA!" The room seemed to erupt with yelling only to get drowned out by Roman's laugher who just watched all the chaos unfold until it finally quieted down.

"I'm the insane one here..." Roman teased before just leaning into Virgil's arm. "So why are you all going crazy."

"We're not... we're frustrated." Remus hissed before forcing himself to take a break. "We couldn't have asked you, Logan. We didn't even know you were a part of all this, let alone that we could."

"Well, that makes sense. Regardless you know now so..." Logan smiled as he took another sip of his water before just chuckling at everyone's faces. "If you all want I can take you all to the library. Roman too... we don't have any rules other than don't destroy the books."

"I can... I can come? Roman whispered making Logan's eyes soften. "But... I'm a demon."

"So? I wouldn't be the first of my line to bring a demon to the library. Or even the first to go there specifically because of a demon." Roman literally melted as Virgil took his hand just listening to everything being said. We'll ask my grandmother about that spell you need. If we have it or even something like it she'd know."

"Por favor, que esto sea así..." (Please, let this be it...)

(Did I randomly decide to make Logan save the day?

Do I care?


Logan is boss and of course, he would be able to help hehe)

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