No Taste Whatsoever

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My biggest dream in life was to open a restaurant and be a chef, but I was born without taste buds.

A chef who can't taste is a recipe for disaster. Too spicy, too bland, too salty, too sweet. The possibilities of ruining every meal prepared are varied and plentiful. My poor husband knows this from experience. I'm surprised I haven't ruined his taste buds simply by subjecting him to my many, many fails.

There were many.

But, without failure, is there really any great reward?

I'm not just any regular chef. No, I'm someone who understands there's more to cooking than just tasting. It's an art. A learned skill. Something I find incredibly enjoyable, even after those years when most of my meals were far from edible.

I practiced.

Over and over and over.

Unlike with most chefs, measurements were, and continue to be, necessary for me. Exact recipes have become the proven science I rely on in order to replicate my dishes that have made it to the perfect, end result.

What sets me apart from other chefs, besides my inability to taste, is how I compensate. While my entrées may not be as spectacularly tasty as theirs, I make up for it in other ways. Clever presentation. Varying colors. Textures galore. Heavenly aromas.

My restaurant dream is now my reality.

No Taste Whatsoever is New York's trendiest place to eat. People don't go there for the eclectic décor and ambiance of the dining room or the unique, Instagram-worthy photo opportunities each meal provides or even the popular quirky tie-dyed shirts we sell.

They go there for the chef.


Because not only can they meet the mastermind behind No Taste Whatsoever, they're also given a complimentary serving of hope, seasoned with a dash of determination, and drizzled with sweet success.

My story empowers others to do what feels like the simple ingredient at a time. 

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