"Okay okay I wouldn't push it"Yuki said smiling.

"You are one of the people who brought Joy back into his life. I would love it if you could continue"Dabi said in a soft tone.

"What is your relationship with Shoto?"Yuki asked.

"Nothing"Dabi snapped, his eyes changing fully blue with a black slit in the middle.

"Not pushing it"Yuki waved her hand to signify that she surrendered.

"I have to get going before they notice I am gone bye Yuki"Dabi said as he disappeared.

' you asshole you finally called me by my real name '

"I really should contact Momo. She would be worried sick"Yuki said to herself as she packed up and closed her store before disappearing.

"Hey Momo" Yuki said as she appeared, alerting everyone of her presence.

"Yuki"Mina yelled, jumping on her.

"Yuki"Ochako said, waving at her.

"I thought you left me"Momo bursted into tears.

"No, I would never you are my best friend"Yuki assured getting out of Mina's hug and pulling Momo into a hug Momo then smacked her.

" ouch what was that for"Yuki asked, pulling out of the hug.

" that was for not contacting me"Momo then continued to smack Yuki.

"I didn't contact you because you were with Shoto for close to a month"Yuki said as she tried to run away from Momo.

"Oh you saw you were avoiding me because of Shoto"Momo stopped smacking Yuki as she nodded.

"But Shoto has changed, he is even looking for you"Mina said.

' I know '

"I know I just don't care anymore"Yuki said nonchalantly.

"Yuki I know you don't mean that you are just still angry"Momo smiled.

' Momo you know me too well '

"I don't want to see him for now so please don't tell him that you were with me all of you"Yuki begged.

"No probs"Mina grinned.

' that grin is suspicious '

"We should get going, we don't want to be late for the preparation"Ochako said as she waved her wand and opened a portal.

' what preparation '

"Bye Yuki"Mina waved as she walked into the portal.

"Nice seeing you again"Ochako followed.

"Momo I will be out by next week. I have a wedding to attend" Yuki informed.

"Yeah that reminds me I know that you might say no but kana's wedding is this weekend will you come?"Momo asked.

' oh is that what the preparation was about '

"I will, I'm coming for Kana, not for anyone else"Yuki said.

"Really"Momo smiled as Yuki nodded.

"I have to prepare. I'll see you there and where is the place"Yuki playfully picked up some herbs and placed them back on the shelves.

"Shoto let them use his mother's garden" Momo said as worry hinted in her voice.

' of all places Shoto will definitely be there '

"Okay bye"Yuki waved as she disappeared.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Yuki steered at herself in the mirror as she admired her long purple gown, her hair neatly combed.

"Yuki"her mom called from downstairs. Yuki got up and went down the stairs.

"Mom what do you think "Yuki twirled around

"You look pretty "her mom said as she placed a white flower crown on her head complementing her silver hair.

"I will be back by tomorrow"Yuki informed.

"And your father will be coming home today"her mom added before Yuki could disappear.

"Okay"Yuki said, trying to hide her displeasure but failed.

"Yuki you should forgive him, that is a step in building your relationship with your father, Yuki he said he was sorry"her mom pleaded.

"Okay Mom I will try"Yuki gave her mom an assuring smile.

' it is not that I don't forgive him he just doesn't like Shoto and he might kill him '

"Okay dear"her mom said.

"Bye"Yuki waved at her mom before she disappeared.

"Yuki hi"Momo greeted as she saw Yuki walking towards her. Momo was dressed in a wine gown, her raven hair let loose and a beautiful rose gold necklace decorated her neck.

"Hey where is the bride?"Yuki asked looking around. Momo held her hand and teleported.

"Kana guess who came to see you"Momo said as kana looked up from where she sat to see Yuki.

" YUKI you came I'm really happy to see you I thought I was going to do this without you" Kana got up to hug her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world"Yuki said into the hug.

"WOW you look gorgeous"kana complimented.

"It's nothing compared to you, you are so wow words can't describe it"Yuki complemented back gesturing at Kana's pure white gown with orange flowers decorated her curly raven hair and hands.

"Kana it has started"Izuku said opening the door "Oh Yuki you came"

"Hey Izuku"Yuki waved.

"Kana let's go or Kacchan will kill me"Izuku said, pulling Kana out of the room as Yuki and Momo followed.

"Yuki"Mina appeared, grabbing Yuki's hand as they walked into the garden seating in front.

"This is amazing"Mina cried as Kana and Katsuki exchanged rings.

"There there"Yuki patted her on the back softly.

The girls gathered by the buffet table as the after party began.

"It's strange"Momo said, looking at the rest.

"What is strange?"Mina asked, lifting her brows.

"To see that they were the first among us to get married"Momo answered.

"Yeah I thought they were going to marry last"Yuki agreed.

"I thought they wouldn't even marry "Ochako admitted " because they are always on and off you get" earning a nod from the rest.

"Who was the first you thought would get married?"Yuki asked.

"Mina"Momo said, placing a bowl of yakisoba on her tray.

"Ochako" Yuki said, picking up a dango stick.

"Mina"Ochako said, picking up a plate of mochi.

"Yuki"Mina said, picking up a glass of wine.

' Mina of course you'd want to drink '

"Why me?"Yuki asked as she ate her dango stick.

"Well you at that time seemed to be pretty serious with your relationship with Shoto, I and Eijiro were just playing around compared to you guys"Mina said before sipping her wine.

"Oh and here comes Shoto we'll let you 2 talk" Momo said as she pulled Mina and Ochako away. Yuki looked up to see Shoto heading in her direction.

[*Cough* I see you Momo match maker I just realized (MMM). oh no author chan quickly hide your social awkwardness. ⊙﹏⊙ thanks Momo. - Erichan out✌🏽]

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