Chapter 4

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Wobble wobble wobble... Wobble! Yum!

"Even for a dragon like me, having a mouth bigger than yours, this jello tastes so wonderful as if I was floating through heaven! Yummy!"

"Glad you like it. This jello is made from a celestial fruit called the Ether-Rain berries."

Ether-Rain berries, known to be rarer than dura-titanium alloys and only have one environment it could sprout. Even so, finding a tiny bush of them only yields you several pinky size orbs, and these azure-ish teal berries are collected by only those from the ancient tribe or excel skill in spotting them.

In the area where the berries are naturally grown, it's found on the mountain peak of Xadriloth within the Astral Elder forest, the ruin of the first dragon. That is what the ancients called them.

It's no wonder the Ether-Rain berries are the most flavourful fruit in this world. It happens to be a monarchy treat, with a pound of platinum—or less—per berry! Rip-off!

I preferably find them myself!

And I happened to be exceptionally a great harvester of these berries since my master taught me how to easily spot and pick them; Plenty of fakes!

"Question. What do I do if I come across a celestial if they are actually real?"

"Hmm, that's a tough one to answer. You know what, god and goddesses are real. You know what's not real? Those church's fake gods. The duty of celestials to fend off against the calamity that the world had been struck with!"

"Have you met one before?"

"...Yes... I befriended a goddess..."

A goddess... I wonder if this goddess that he befriended reincarnated me as a human. Someday, I want to reveal my gratitude to her!

Thank you so much, goddess!


Up and ready, the curtain slid open, and the window shoved so that the bright sunlight shined on my face and increased my luck for today. When the clouds do not cover the summer sky, it means that my luck is the highest! That is one reason why I don't want winter.

If my glimmering dragon wings spread for it to bathe in the sunlight, by now, the young man in my room would have already been a good boy. Heh, too bad that it's never going to happen that way. And besides, for the sacrifice of annoyance, there is also a bit of fun.

Is today a great day? I hope! I have the kingdom's council to go to later on, and I needed a better plan than just convincing them that I am a blessed princess.

Apparently, church people are unpredictable individuals and might make up random excuses if they believe that I am their enemy.

When that time comes, I should be worried. Right now... Sun!!!


Every morning the same. I woke up from bed and went straight to the outside to check the weather and bother my brother and the maids, who usually folded clothes on the vast balcony a floor below me.

Hiss!... My only pet—unless you include Kagekome—crawled up the stone rail and stood in front of me, its long tongue slithered. And speaking of my only pet, the komodo dragon—Oh my god! Toka hasn't been locked in the cage anymore!

He has returned to the rightful owner!


I snatched him from the rail and hugged him tightly, not too tight to choke him, but enough to let him know that I still cared and wanted his scaly comfort.

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