"I see, forbidden magic" he says simply as they all look to Madara and bow to him

"Sasori retrieved their bodies for me, he's a bit of a mad man when it comes to putting dead bodies back together, he reattached their detached limbs and was about to use his puppet magic to control them but we decided itd be best if we fully reanimated them" He says as Mephistopheles appears on Madaras shoulder

"Oh i see, you mustve been the host for that asshole lucifero" He says as Dante looks at him

"and i was, so what pipsq-" He's cut short by Mephistopheles releasing his mana through the area, making them all shiver down to the bone

"So, i take it we need to fight them for you?" Vanica says as Madara nods

"Yes yes you do that, i'll take on those two" He says pointing to Asta and Yuno as they stand cautious

"A reanimation spell? i never would have thought of that" Itachi says as he gets back up as Sasuke goes with him

"Madara, i'll take vegengence for my clan" He spits out as he gets up and Madara looks still faced

"What would you do to me, boy" he says simply

"Well, enough games, let's get started" Asta yells as he transforms as Yuno does too.



The two charge at Madara as the fighting begans

Yami engages Dante in combat along with Zoro, Sauske and leopold take on zenon as Nozel takes on Vanica.

"Ill back you up noz-" Itachi begans to say as he feels a huge amount of mana coming from behind him


Sasori makes a surprise entrance, throwing a barrage of strings at Itachi as he bearly misses, cutting off some of Itachis hair in the process

"So Sasori, it seems you will be my opponent?" Itachi says as he activated his Sharingan as Sasori smirks

"Oh Itachi, you always were foolish"


Itachi starts off by jumping into the air and shooting a ball of fire at Sasori as he slices through with his strings easily as Sasori launches himself towards Itachi and kicks him down to the ground as Itachi protects himself with his Susanoo spine


Sasori throws strings to mutiple dead body's from earlier, and makes them get back up and began to fight Itachi

"A cowardly move, using the dead" Itachi says as he fights them off as Sasori smiles

"There's no such thing as a cowardly move in a fight" Sasori quickly retorts back


Sasoris back opens up to Itachis surprise as tons of strings explode out and rush towards him at amazing speed


Itachi fires off his strongest fire attack, melting the strongest easily as one comes from behind and stabs into Itachis leg

"AHHH" he yells in pain as Sasori yanks the string and Itachi comes towards Sasori as he grabs his throat when he reaches him

"A doll, you're just a shell of your former self" Itachi spits out as Sasori tightens his grip

The Son of YamiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ