Chapter 16

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So I've been gone for about 6 months and I know...I'm terrible.

Guys I have an explenation...

After my grandfather died I was a wreck he was my best friend, then I started school and well it's not exactly the best and life was just shit and the more I thought about writting the more I knew it would be terrible...I'm sorry give me another chance I won't leave again.

Everything is good now...I promise anyway enjoy the long awaited 16 and those that will stay with me thank you I love you guys <3.

Happy New Year


I woke up to an annoying ass beeping sound, I tried to open m eyes but I was so dang tired it took all of my strength to get them wide enough to see where I am.

White walls...a lot of white walls and a large window leading to a waiting room--waiting room my room doesn't have a waiting room outside, neither did the hotel room. Just then the door opened and I saw a guy in a white coat...I want a whie coat...lucky bastard.

"Aha I see you're awake" Mr. white coat said.

"Where am I?" my voice came out as a croak, ugh and my breath smells.

"The hospital. What is the last thing you remember?"

I thought really hard about it and I wish I hadn't because I began to cry.

"I know it's hard but you're going to have to say it" the doctor said, he came and layed his hand on top of mine. I cringed and he immediately stepped back, giving me an understanding nod matched with a look of pity.

"I-I-I was r-raped by Ben..Ben Luis"

I started to cry harder, when I felt an arm around me I immediately tightened up only to see that it was my mother. She held me close and let me cry into her as she stroked my hair and said "silenzio bella (silence beautiful)".

"Annalisa la polizia sta andando a voler parlare con te (Annalisa the police are going to want to talk to you)" I could here the tiredness in her voice.

"Mamma per quanto tempo ho dormito? (Mamma how long did I sleep?)" I said my voice cracking.

"una settimana (a week)"

She held me tighter and stroked my hair, I know she couldn't imagine Ben doing this and I know this is going to be hard on her.

"Mom where is Todd?"

"Fuori. Tu lo vuoi? (Outside. Do you want him?)" I nodded.

She left to go get him, I could only imagined how I looked right now I know that it really doesn't matter considering I was just raped but still...I'm a girl. I cupped my hand around my face feeling how oily my skin was from not showering, I took a wiff of my breath...okay I at least needed a mint or something. I found a stick of gum in my moms purse, just then Todd burst through the door. Okay if I looked anything like Todd I looked like shit. Don't get me wrong Todd is gorgeous but my poor little angel looked so disheveled. His eyes were red from no sleep and probably some crying and they had bags under them, he obviously had not showered in awhile that you could see in the fact his hair looked oily and dirty. He wore grey sweatpants that were too baggy to really stay up and a batman shirt.

"Oh god Annalisa...this is my fault babygirl, I'[m so sorry I should have never left you I'm an idiot oh dear my beautiful angel I love you! When the police found Ben I almost killed him literally I was close enough they had to hold me back I was going to murder him princess I was NO ONE can hurt you I won't let them I'll protect you baby please...don't leave me because I'm a shit boyfriend just you being in a coma...I can't live without you princess I really c-c-" and then he broke out into sobs. He buried his face in my blankets on my lap, my body tensed up but I knew he needed this. I ran my fingers through his hair comforting him.

"I-I-I'm s-s-so sor-sor-sorry" he managed to sob out.

"Todd it's not your fault...come here baby" I opened my arms to him.

He immediately crawled into the bed and held onto me crying on my shoulder, we were like that for hours probably till I heard the soft breathing telling me he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and headed to take a shower. I hated the smell of hospital soap but I really had no choice, after I was done I realized I had nothing to change into. I pressed the emergency button...I mean this wasn't an emergency but I needed attention. A nurse barged into the bathroom a few minutes later.

"What's wrong sweetheart? What do you need?" she asked panic in her voice.

"Ummm...I'm sorry this isn't an actual emergency I just need clothes I'm sorry" I heard her slightly laugh at my comment.

She left for a few minutes and came back with a pair of yellow aeropostal sweatpants that scrunched at the calves and a black tank cami.

"Your mom brought you clothes. Your boyfriend is freaking out right now so you might want to hurry before I have to sedate him" she said jokingly.

I got dressed swiftly and tied my hair into a messy bun so I could find my neurotic boyfriend before he got dragged into a mental institute.


"OH GOD PRINCESS! I was so scared when I couldn't find you I thought-I thought something bad might have happen" He said engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm sorry I really wanted to shower...something you need to do go home please and shower, change your clothes, and bring us back some burgers?" I said shooting him a puppy dog face.

"I'd rather notbe away from you princes" he said holding me tighter.

"Please. I'll be here when you get back and I would love a bacon cheeseburger from The Lounge...oh and garlic fries...please?"

He took a deep breath and kissed me on my cheek and left, I raced after him down the hall and latched onto him.

"What baby? Don't want me to leave" he said looking hopeful.

"not without telling you I wanted a strawberry milkshake" I kissed his lips and skipped off to my room waving at the nurse from earlier.

I was shocked to see who was sitting on my bed.

"Does it kill you to know I was right?"

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