Emanet (Ali & Kiraz): Never Ending Love

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Note (Spoiler Art!!):

 Ali and Kiraz were my favorite couple. Their relationship was super slow-burn like Seher and Yaman's, but there was something so sweet about them that doesn't let me move on. Even though, she was killed in the series, she will remain alive in my fanfiction because I loved her. She was clumsy, stubborn, and so friendly. She was what I believe, Ali needed in a woman. Anyway, so Kiraz will not die. Okay, fanfic time.


Ali looked at Kiraz with the love he had been hiding for so long. There was no longer a reason to keep his emotions in check as he pulled her into his arms. Her hair smelled like coconut and their was a slight scent of cherry that was radiated from her body. He wondered if Kiraz could feel his heart almost bursting out of his body.

He smiled and looked up at the distance. That's when he saw him. Kiraz's brother was glaring at them, the same way he had looked at them that night when he had kidnapped her.

He was about to shoot Kiraz when Ali took hold of her and placed her in back of him.

"Comm-" she said startled. The man pulled the trigger and it hit Ali in his side arm. The impact had been enough to have him on his knees.

"Commissioner!!" Kiraz shouted. A second shot.

"Kiraz!!" Ali shouted turning to the girl lying on the ground. Ali took hold of his gun and began to shoot the man. It took him a moment to realize that the man was already lying on the ground, dead. He could feel the gunshot wound gushing hot blood, but it didn't matter. He turned to Kiraz who was still lying in the ground. Her white dress was stained with blood.

"Kiraz, can you hear me?" He asked tears streaming out of his eyes and falling on her face. The girl groaned, "Commi-" she began.

"It's okay, I'll call backup, they'll get here...don't worry..." he reassured her. He took out his phone and started dialing Ibo.


Ali didn't let him finish, "Call an ambulance, we're at...Papa Arif's...rest-"

His breath began to give out on him. He blinked hard trying to concentrate.


"Ki...raz," he whispered to the unconscious girl on the ground, before he fainted right beside her.  

He could hear the sirens and the paramedics, but he couldn't say a word or open his eyes.

"dead..." he heard one of the paramedics say. He wanted to know about Kiraz, but he couldn't concentrate enough to say a word.

"k..." he began. One of the men looked at him and told him to save his strength. They were on their way to the hospital.

When he woke up, his Aunt Sultana was sitting by the side of his hospital bed. Firat was standing beside her. "Commissioner," Firat said.

"Kiraz--where's Kiraz?"He managed to ask though he was still affected by the drugs in his system.

"Oh, my child, Kiraz..." Aunt Sultana began before she burst into tears.

Ali felt as if his heart had made its way to his throat as tears began to well up in his eyes.

"She's in a coma, the doctors had to induce her---she lost a lot of blood."

"I want to see her," He said, trying to stand up. It wasn't easy. His legs felt heavy and he couldn't gather enough strength.

"It's best if you don't," A doctor said. Ali had not noticed him at first.

"You just had surgery a few days ago, you are still recuperating."

A few days ago, Ali thought. "What day is it?"

"It's been four days since you were shot." Said the man before whispering something to the nurse.

"You seem to be doing well, you might get discharged in two days. You can see your girlfriend then."

Ali nodded. The man left the room.

"Oh my child, I was so worried for both of you. I thought you two would leave this world and leave me on my own...what would I do without you two," Aunt Sultana cried.

"I'm okay now, Kiraz will be okay too." He said. He wanted to believe it, she had done it in the past. She had lived and she would do so again. She could not leave him alone. Kiraz would never leave him, there love was stronger than death. He knew it.

A couple of days passed, Ali was discharged. Seher and Yaman were both in the waiting room along with Firat, Ibo, and Kara.

"Ali," Seher said. There was a deep pity in her eyes, he realized that she had been crying. Everyone was looking over at the glass window where Kiraz was still laying unconscious.

"She will wake up." Seher added, "She will wake up."

Ali nodded before heading over to the window. He looked at her, like he had done before.

"Wake up," he whispered. "We've been here before, wake up..." He said this time louder.

A hand landed on his shoulder. It was Firat.

"W--we... are going to get married," he said as tears streamed down his eyes. They were hot, almost as hot as the blood that poured out of his wound that day. He had promised himself to protect her. He would never let her get hurt, but he wasn't able to do it. He had failed her.

"She can't leave me!" Ali shouted falling to the floor.

"She can't go." He sobbed.

Firat was about to help him up when Yaman stopped him. Ali didn't move. He squatted down like a hurt boy. The way he had done when he got in trouble as a child. He had vowed to protect the woman he loved, but he could not. The guilt was eating away at his heart. He couldn't stay any longer.

After a while he stood up and left. He ended up at the rooftop. He recalled all those times when she had protected him. "It was my turn to save her, to keep her safe..." He whispered.

There were light steps coming his way and he looked over startled. Yaman was standing a few feet away from him holding some water.

He reached out his hand to give him the water. Ali took it reluctantly. He did not drink or say a word. He only looked at the horizon remembering. It was a comfortable silence, something he didn't expect to ever get from Yaman Krimli.

"When I was a kid, a girl once hit me for a rock..." he began. He didn't bother to look at Krimli as he said this.

"I went home...and never expected to see her again. When I met her once again, she again, hit me." He chuckled, though tears still fell out of his eyes like the tears of the clouds.

He took some time to regain his composure. "I never expected to fall in love with her...but it was hard not to. She was stubborn, difficult, and so full of love--it was hard not to."

He looked over at Krimli who was looking over at the horizon.

"I thought I could hide it...that I could make it go away, but the more I tried, the more my love became stronger. I loved being near her, seeing her, and just hearing her laugh was enough. When she was distant, I did all I could too make her look at me with that smile of hers. I never thought I would need someone like that in my life."

Yaman looked at him and nodded.

"I had just proposed. I had let go of this pride-a pride, I cannot help but hate so much--and I proposed. If Kiraz is gone, then I... will be gone too."

He looked away, tears slipping from his eyes without his knowledge. He looked at the horizon once again. He had no idea why he had said those words to Yaman Krimli, but it felt right. His once enemy, felt like someone who understood the pain that was infesting his heart. The look in his eyes told him that he understood.

There was a silence that followed. A silence that Ali was thankful for.


Not me crying as I wrote this.

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