Pizza nights

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I was 27 when I got pregnant with Elliot. When I found out, I was a ball of nerves and excitement. I was worried about how I would finish medical school, never once doubting how my ex would react. I thought we were so in love and in synch that when I read the positive pregnancy test I couldn't wait to tell him. But as it turns out life has a funny way of breaking us down. Michael left me and I had to lean heavily on the support of my family. But as I sit in my car waiting for Elliot to come out to my car, I can't help but be thankful for where I am today. This may not have been the path I had originally envisioned when I decided to go down the medical field, but now it felt like the one that I was always meant to follow.

I notice my mom coming out of her house with an excited 5 year old next to her. I get out of my car and greet my mom with a hug and kiss. I then get on my knees to come down to Eli's level.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?"

Eli's green eyes look up at me with an excited sparkle. "It was so much fun mom! I'll tell you all about it at dinner."

I look at his big infectious smile and laugh. " Okay bud, just get settles in the car while I talk to your granmom, and then we'll head out."

He starts getting into the car as I look at my mom. "Thanks for getting him from school. It is really helpful that you can pick him up for me."

She gives me a small smile and waves me off. "You know I don't mind. Eli is great and it's always nice to see you every day."

I give her another quick hug before getting back in the car. I start driving off to the local pizza restaurant. This was mine and Eli's tradition since he was 3. Every Friday for dinner we would go out to get pizza. When we were still in Boston we had lots of options. Here we have one, but it is very delicious pizza.

We walked into the restaurant being greeted with the "seat yourself" sign. We walked over to our usual booth only to find that it was occupied by two people. I didn't pay too much attention to them, as I scanned the room for another table, until I heard Eli's excited gasp. He let go of my hand and bounded over to the table. I went to stop him, but in his excitement he was much too quick for me.

He ran over to one of the men and excitedly threw his arms over the man's broad shoulders. "Captain Evans! It's so awesome to see you again! I was just going to tell my mom all about today!"

There was a loud manly laugh as I tried to bring my nerves down. Then I heard his amused voice. "Oh yeah? Where's your mom Eli?"

Eli turned around and pointed at me. Mine and Chris's eyes met, and his face was enveloped by a wide grin. He picked Eli up in his arms and moved towards me. "Hello again Dr. Thomas, I was hoping I'd get to see you again soon."

I smiled up at him with a small blush on my cheeks. "Hello again Captain Evans. I hope Eli didn't disturb your dinner."

I looked over his shoulder to see a pair of inquisitive blue eyes very similar to Chris's. When he noticed where I was looking he let out a chuckle shaking his head. "Not at all, I'm just here with my brother, we just sat down a little bit ago. And I thought I told you to call me Chris."

I nodded and smiled. I took Eli from his arms with a thankful look. "Well then, Chris, I we'll leave you to it."

As I was about to turn to find a different table to sit at, I felt Chris's hand on my arm. "Why don't you join us?"

"No, it's alright, I don't want to impose on you and your brother."

Chris gave me a smile and shook his head. "You wouldn't be imposing at all. I was the one to suggest it after all."

I look at Eli's excited face and sigh. I nodded my head at Chris. "Sure, why not."

Chris scooted in next to his brother, while I let Eli in first before sitting.

"Scott this is Dr. Frances Thomas. Frances this is my brother Scott." 

Scott held his hand out to me over the table, I took it and shook it as I smiled politely at him. "Call me Frankie please, only my mom calls me Frances. This is my son Eli. It's nice to meet you Scott."

"It's nice to meet you too Frankie, and you Eli. So, you are the doctor my brother won't stop talking about." Scott smirked at Chris with a little chuckle, as I blushed.

Chris let out a nervous laugh while scratching the back of his neck. "So Eli, you enjoyed the visit to the school by the fire department?"

I noticed Chris's topic change and laughed. I looked down at Eli who started excitedly recounting the school visit by the fire department. Through his tale, the waitress came by and took our orders.

Dinner was amazingly easy going and conversation flowed easily among us. At the end of dinner Chris insisted he pay for the entire meal.

"I'm paying next time." I jokingly said without thinking.

Chris gave me a sexy side smile. "I'll hold you to it."

We all walked outside where Eli and me said goodbye to Scott. Chris offered to walk us to my car. I got Eli situated and turned to face Chris. He had a devious look in his eyes.

"I had fun. We should do it again sometime. Maybe just the two of us." Chris says with a glint in his eyes.

I gave him a mischievous smile as I opened my car door and sat in my seat. "Maybe. Goodnight Chris."

He laughed loudly and smiled back. "I'll take a maybe. Goodnight Frankie."

He closed my car door and I slowly drove away. As I drove home I could feel an excitement bloom in me that I had not felt in a very long time, and it was all due to those mesmerizing blue eyes and the man they belonged to. 


A.N-Thank you for those who have read and voted on my story so far! I'm super thankful for you! I hope you like the next chapter! Please comment and vote, and let me know what you think so far!

Burning Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें