Chapter 2

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Dis b what Louis looks like and wearing dis chapter^

I'm eating a fruit pie and slowly losing my mind



Stupid stupid stupid alarm clock. Shush. The small object continues its incessant ringing that bores holes through my ears in the most agonizing way. I seem to have woken up with a headache.

I dramatically flip over in bed, my legs tangled in the sheets, to stop the noise. My clumsy fingers find the button that's shuts it up and I'm left in silence. The silence makes my ears ache more than the noise did, as now I have room for my thoughts. I don't want to get up, I don't want to be 'productive' when it doesn't make a difference to anyone else. It wouldn't make any difference if I stayed in bed all day, because I would still be a failure in everyone's eyes.

My good conscience wins me over another morning, causing me to push myself up into a sitting position, stretching my arms to try and wake up my body. A thrill of excitement jumps up my throat when I remember the boy I saw in the halls just yesterday, the beautiful boy.

Nausea takes over my stomach when I push myself onto my feet, causing me to pathetically flop back down onto my back. "Hannah!" I sadly call to her.

"Yes Harry? Do you need anything?" She says, head peeking through the doorway.

"Yea, the sweet release of death." She looks genuinely concerned until I chuckle, erupting pain in my stomach again. "I don't feel good. I have a stomachache and my head is all spinny."

"Of course sir, I'll get you some medicine and I'll have someone inform the Queen of how you're feeling. You can take an off day in the library." She smiles and she's really the sweetest person to me, even when she could choose to be firm and mean like everyone else.

"Thank you! And it's Harry, not sir." I tease, slapping my hand over my eyes. I hear her laugh and close the door, leaving me alone.

I push through the pain long enough to pick out my clothes for the day. After much mental debate I settle on a light blue collared shirt and black skinny jeans. I then brush my teeth and use the bathroom, close to puking the whole time.

"Harry, dear, I have your medicine and your breakfast. I'm leaving it on your desk." She says from my room, while I'm grabbing the rim of sink trying to hold the contents of my stomach in.

"Thank you Hannah!" She responds with a quite 'of course sir' and I hear her shuffle out of the room. I swallow the knot in my throat and walk out to my desk, where there's an omelet and toast on a silver platter with milk, tea, and a white capsule. I take the pill with a swig of milk and settle down on my bed, ignoring the food.

Today's the day I get to meet the blue eyed boy. However, that can be avoided as long as possible from nerves and I'll end up hiding in my favorite corner of the library.

I composedly walk out of the room with an empty, nauseous stomach and a throb in my head. It hurts to make any sudden movements with my neck, so I can imagine I'm walking a little odd.

The door of the library is already open, which is odd at this hour of the morning.

Its empty, all the tables and couches and corners. I run my hands along the books as I make my way to the farthest corner from the door, still with a clear view of the whole room. My special pile of books still lay in the same spot, waiting for me to open them and be transported into their fantasy worlds. I pick the one at the top, it's grey leather cover holding a bookmark in between the pages.

Only the occasional melodious signing of birds interrupt my reading for a while. It's a story of a small town boy who falls in love with the princess, but their love is forbidden. The evil king stops them in any way possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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