Episode 1: Gojou Satoru's deal,¿ Sorcerer school?

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Y/n's pov:

I'm still confuse and now annoying by this guy wearing some blindfold with white hairs like if had some style or whatever and he Is still staring at me and talking to me?!

I'm still confuse and now annoying by this guy wearing some blindfold with white hairs like if had some style or whatever and he Is still staring at me and talking to me?!

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Blindfold guy: since your new in Tokio how about we go for a tour? Besides we could talk about-

Y/n: oí can you stop talking? Besides i don't even know you sir? Besides how can you even see, do you eve- !

Suddendly i felt Something like an inmense power was infront of me, it can't be him right? I blink few times until he smile.

Blindfold guy: oh, so you can feel it? That means you can see cursed spirits too?

Y/n: ? Cursed... spirits??

I was confuse of what he say, but i then saw some kind of ugly monster standing at the rooftop staring at me no...staring at my soul some kind of...monster who could be a threat especially for me.

Blindfold guy: you sure you don't talk? - smiles staring at him-

Y/n: - sigh of defeat- fine...Lets go

- while at Tokyo-

Gojou: btw names Gojou satoru, Lets say that i teach my students on Sorcerer school and Also send them to exsorcize cursed spirits well depends of there grade of dangerous and the grade of students, but agains special Grade type Is a suicide fight unless you manage to have a plan or a technique that can beat it, maybe even a domain expansión, my curse Energy and skills Is "infinite"

Y/n: - does a confuse grunt sound - what the hell do you even talking about? And Also .... How...does this " cursed Energy" work? 

Y/n's mind: ( i mean i could use magic as a mage but since that i swallow that finger out of nowhere i can't to seem to use it...does that finger effect my fighting style a mage?)

Gojou: well depends of if use Is a technique users or ritual user, you can't survive Without knowing stuff that's fine unless

Y/n: "unless?"

Gojou: if you accept a deal with me? - smiles-

Y/n: huh?? A deal?

Y/n's mind: ( hmm i should deny it, but he knows More of curses and this works, but last Time i accept with Natsu i have to eat erza's food and i barely survive that hell)

Gojou: I'm in progress of teaching itadori who i keep hiding because they think he die, so what I'm saying Is that go to this dirección of the school and be itadori's classmate and i can teach you of cursed Energy and ways to fight agains cursed spirits deal?

Y/n: uhh why you want me do to that? Besides i can handle myself and-

Gojou: plus you need money because i bet you use whats left to arrive Tokyo - does s grin smile-

Y/n: .... fuck....- looks at him-

Gojou: well? - says it moving His hand in a funny way- 

Y/n: ....fine- shakes His hand-

Gojou: fine??

Y/n: - sighs - fine...Gojou satoru... Senpai

Gojou: hehe see? Also already recorded on my phone


- timeskip brought by chibis Gojou satoru playing around with Y/n's hair-

- timeskip brought by chibis Gojou satoru playing around with Y/n's hair-

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Tokyo metrópolis, jujutsu technical school

Y/n: huh...so this the place huh...Also...WHERE THE HELL IS THAT BASTARD?!  - i look around searching for Gojou sensei- he could at least tell me to find this kid? Who was it again? Ita...do..ri?

Y/n's mind: ( though this school have some culture i kinda feel weird)

As i was distracted the place, i bump into someone which i back away a bit as she notice me as i Quickly bow.

Y/n: g-gomen, i was distracted by this school and i was searching for Gojou sensei-

????: Uh? That idiot blindfold?

Y/n: - nods- do you know him?

Utahime: yeah, His so annoying? So you must be new student? My name Is utahime Iori, hmm you be here as a first year student along with three kids as well

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Utahime: yeah, His so annoying? So you must be new student? My name Is utahime Iori, hmm you be here as a first year student along with three kids as well.

Y/n: oh, my name Is Y/n L/n, i promise i won't cause trouble Even if i got drag by the others

Utahime's pov:

Hmm Gojou mención about reclute a new student, Y/n L/n was it? He looks got potencial, and His seems nice person, just imagen if he got drag with Gojou satoru with His tricks and...wait a minute

Utahime: say Y/n?

Y/n: hm?

Utahime: did you say Gojou"sensei" right?

Y/n: Yeah, His Gonna teach me about cursed Energy, I'm kinda new of this

Utahime: Gojou....be teaching you??

Utahime's mind: ( i got a bad feeling him learning  with Gojou)

Utahime: would like to participate on the event between Kyoto students vs Tokio students, which side Will you pick?

Y/n: uhh Tokyo?

Utahime: okay follow me, while we head there i can explain how you use curses, technique and rituals works, think of this event your test as first year student.

Y/n: okay? Whatever you say utahime sensei

Utahime's mind: ( sensei? Weird i mean I'm there superior but when he say it i might Let that aside for now)

Episode 1 end

Next episode: Tokyo vs Kyoto match part 1

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