Chapter 15

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I woke up with my eyes watering and the sheets twisted around me. I glanced over at the window and saw that at the most I had been asleep for twenty minutes. I scrambled out of my bed before grabbing my duffel and running towards the clearing where team seven was at. Sakura was practically dying from practicing, Sasuke had made somewhat of a improvement and Naruto made little progress. I walked over to Kakashi who was reading his orange book. 

"Kakashi-sensei?" he looked up from his book before dog earring the page. 

"Yes Emiri?" 

"Is it okay if I go and train somewhere on my own for a couple of days?" 

"Why Emiri? I am your sensei and I think I can manage teaching you," he stated in his bored tone. 

"Well there was this man that used to train with my brother and I with our Rinnegan and I was hoping to find him and have him help me improve my powers with it along with my six paths," I explained and lied. 

"Very well, if you can make it to the top of that tree, you have my permission to train for a couple of days, if you are not back in 3 days I will come after you, understood?" I nodded before dropping my bag and I started walking up te tree Kakashi indicated and sat on top of it waiting for Kakashi's approval. He gave me a thumbs up and I scaled the tree quickly before I picked up my bag and was soon surrounded by Kakshi and the rest of team seven. 

"Where are you going Emiri-chan?" Naruto questioned. 

"I need o find someone to help me train with a special jutsu I have, sorry Naru-kun," I hugged him. 

"So wait will you be back before Zabuza comes to fight us?" Sakura this time. 

"Of course! This jutsu is one of the few things I can use to beat him, it always worked," 

"Wait, it always worked? As in you've fought him before and multiple times," Sasuke pressed. 

"More like sparing, he trained me when I was younger along with the rest of the seven swordsman of the mist, I have to go, bye!" I hugged Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura before ruffling Sadukes hair much to his annoyance, and ran off towards where we fought Zabuza the first time. I quickly did the handsign and clasped my hand over the weasel before there was a small flash of light and Itachi appeared. 


"Yeah," I tear ran down my face before he put his hands on my shoulders and transported us back to the hideout. 

"Itachi who is that?" a voice asked. 

"Hey Kakazu," I waved and wiped away my tears. 

"Why is she here Itachi? You know leader will be back in a couple of days and if she finds her, she will be killed." 

"I'm only staying for three days at the most," 

"Just don't spend to much money," he walked out of the main room and Hidan appeared. 



"What's with all the screaming?" Kisame now entered. 

"Fish sticks!" 

"Emiri?," he picked me up and shook me, "Good you're not a hologram, nightmares?" 


"Bitch if I knew who your brother was I would fucking kill him for putting you through that shit," Hidan muttered and started swinging his scythe around. 

"Hidan if you kill him, I will find a way to kill your ancient ass before it's called a artifact," Kisame started laughing and had to lean against Shamahada to keep himself upright. 

"Itachi can I stay in your room tonight?" I asked quietly so only he could hear me. 

"Hn," he nodded. 

"Why is everyone so loud hm?" 

"Hey Deidara," I waved. 

"If I try and tackle you am I going to fall again un," 


"EMI-CHAN UN!" he yelled and ran at me, at the last second I stepped out of the way an pulled Hidan in place and they tumbled to the ground. 

"Well this got awkward," I said signaling to their position, "I'm going to bed bye!" I waved and dragged Itachi off with me. He walked down the hall before opening a door that led into a red and white room with the Uchiha crest over his bed. 

"Here," he tossed me a dark red tee shirt and black pants and opened the door to the bathroom before he sat down at his desk to sharpen his weapons. I quickly showered and changed before walking back out and watched Itachi sharpen his weapons. 

"Anything different about your dream this time?" he asked without looking up. 

"It was a katana, not a kunai, shurriken or any other weapon that he has used past times," 

"Anything else different," 

"He seemed happier to kill me," I said softly as a tear rolled down my cheek before I hastily wiped it away. 

Itachi patted my back softly before he hugged me, not his half hearted ones, his big brother hugs, I remember Itachi talking about Sasuke with me and Sasuke would call it a big brother hug because you could feel safe and like nothing could hurt you and like you weren't alone. 

"Itachi, have you been replaced?" I joked sniffling. 

"Maybe, go ask Deidara, I think he might want to spend time with you," he gave me a gentle shove towards the door and a rare smile before I opened it and walked down the hall to Deidaras room and opened it. 

"DEIDARA PUT A SHIRT ON!" I yelled and covered my puffy eyes. 

"IM SORRY UN HOLD ON!" I heard some shuffling and some foot steps before my hands were peeled away from my eyes, "Better un?" 

"a little yeah," 

"Ok then I can do this!" he bent down and swung me over his shoulder and threw me on the bed before sitting on the edge. I sat up and crossed my legs before I hugged Deidara, silent tears running down my face and him running his hand through my ratty hair. 

"It'll be okay un, I believe in you," he whispered. We both let go and I wiped my eyes with the hem of the shirt before I started giggling. 

"What un?" Deidara asked confused. 

"There's a big wet spot on your shirt smart one," 

"That's why you shouldn't cry, those dreams will never be true and we all know that it's just a fear you have of you're brother un, please don't cry," 

"Woah Deidara, you can be smart?" I asked with fake shock before Deidara stuck his hand on my face and it licked me, "EWWW YOU KNOW THAT IT FEELS WEIRD!!" I rubbed my cheek on my shirt multiple times while Deidara changed his shirt. 

"Come on un time for bed," 

"But Deidara, my nightmar-" 

"Emiri, if you have a nightmare, wake me up, hug me till I suffocate, I don't care but those dreams will never become reality un, if it did I will find that teem and shove my exploding clay up his ass," 

"Thanks Deida- Dei-kun," I climbed under the sheets after Deidara and curled myself close to him. 

"Welcome Emi-chan, tomorrow Sasori will be back so make sure you don't annoy him," 

"Damn it," I muttered before drifting off again.

A/N thank you all for voting and commenting, Im so sorry I update so late but this story will go on!! My one direction fan fic is up so check it out please!

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