Start from the beginning

"Spencer, i'm sorry man" I said softly as my lungs let out a full breath. His brown eyes looked up at me with almost a pity look inside of them.

He was super drunk to even stand when i stood him up he wobbled over, nearly taking me and his pipe cleaner body down with him.

Finally getting him into the car.

i heard him mumble "im sorry i know it's late" he started to fiddle with the seat belt to try to slip it over his chest, with failed attempts of his shaky hands and clearly not sober enough to put on his own seat belt I finally helped him.

it clicked and he gathered his words so that he could give her a soft thank you.

"You're okay i don't mind, but what happened to your date why didn't she show?" I asked.

"She stood me up i don't know why"

he repeated back and I could hear the way his voice had cracked a little like he was about to cry, spencer never cried.

well not in front of people so maybe it was the alcohol that made his heart seem to let itself run a little loose.

i frowned at the idea someone could stand up someone so sweet and smart, it kinda made my heart ache a little seeing how sad he was,

"no text or anything?" I asked and watched him click on his phone to check and I watched it flash with the home screen and with zero notifications I turned my head back towards the road.

"It's okay Spence you'll find someone, maybe you might meet someone in the office or maybe a hot serial killer on one of our cases"

i teased at him and nudged his shoulder hearing him sniffle a little as he tried covering up a laugh i turned my head back to the road.

I watched him lean his head against the window and shut his eyes.


I pulled him out of the car,

This time using the elevator at my complex, because I didn't want him to fall down the stairs because even when he wasn't drunk he was the clumsiest person i had ever known.

he giggled as he fell threw my front door as i opened it i looked away to tuck my keys on the rack but with a loud thud i looked down,

he had stopped his crying and moved into continuous fits of making nerdy jokes and giggling with each one like he was a kid in the 2nd grade.

His body had hit the wood tile of the floor to which he hadn't even bothered to get up instead he laid there, shocking for a germaphobe.

it was shocking for a man who wouldn't even shake someones hand let alone step into his own house with his work clothes on.

"you can't sleep on the floor spence, no matter how many times i mop my floors i'm sure they won't be to your germaphobe likings, you probably believe theyre swarming with bacteria" I chuckled. and turned to see him flopped on the couch.

I walked into the Kitchen filing up a glass with cool water from the tap, pulling a couple of ice cubes from the freezer and dropping them into the cup to make it somewhat cold for him.

I reached into the cabinet grabbing a bottle of advil, i set the water and bottle on the coffee table in front of him.

"How can i repay you for being my sweet ol nurse?" He asked with a smile formed on his face the look before he was going to push out a fit of giggles to which he pushed them down.

𝐀𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now